20.20 Runtime Views for Tasks

Learn about the runtime views for tasks.

View Name Description
APEX_PURGEABLE_TASKS The properties of each purgeable task instance.
APEX_PURGEABLE_TASK_HISTORY The chronological series of operations performed during the lifecycle of a purgeable task instance, including the user associated with the update and the date the operation was performed.
APEX_PURGEABLE_TASK_COMMENTS All comments entered on each purgeable task instance.
APEX_PURGEABLE_TASK_PARAMETERS The parameters defined for a purgeable task instance along with their computer runtime values in String format.
APEX_TASKS The properties of each task instance.
APEX_TASK_COMMENTS All comments entered on each task instance.
APEX_TASK_HISTORY The chronological series of operations performed during the lifecycle of a task instance, including the user associated with the update and the date the operation was performed.
APEX_TASK_PARAMETERS The parameters defined for a task instance along with their computed runtime values in String format.
APEX_TASK_PARTICIPANTS The list of participants on each task instance. Note that this list can differ from the list in the task definition due to business administrators inviting new participants or removing existing participants.

For more information on purgeable tasks, see About Task Retention and Task Purging.