20.19 Substitution Strings and Bind Variables for Tasks

Oracle APEX uses substitution strings to pass information about a task to a page.

You can use substitution strings to pass information about a task instance to an APEX page. For example, you might want to show different regions in the task details page depending on the task's priority or the date a task was created.

You can configure substitution strings in the task definition.

Substitution String Syntax Description
APEX$TASK_CREATED_ON The timestamp for task creation in YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3TZH:TZM format
APEX$TASK_DUE_ON The timestamp for the task due date in YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3TZH:TZM format
APEX$TASK_ID The task id
APEX$TASK_INITIATOR The user who initiated the task
  • Defaults to the logged in user unless a different value is explicitly specified in the Human Task - Create Page Process
APEX$TASK_MAX_RENEWAL_COUNT The maximum number of times a task can be renewed according to the expiration policy in the task definition
APEX$TASK_OUTCOME The task outcome
  • Only populated for approval tasks in the Completed state
APEX$TASK_OWNER The user who currently owns the task
APEX$TASK_PK The primary key value
  • APEX$TASK_PK can also be used as a bind variable in any PL/SQL query used by task definition actions and task definition participants. When used as a bind variable, the syntax is :APEX$TASK_PK
APEX$TASK_PREVIOUS_ID The previous id for a task
  • Links an expired task to the renewed task
  • If task T1 is expired and T2 is the renewed task, then APEX$TASK_PREVIOUS_ID of T2 is the ID of task T1 (T1.id)
APEX$TASK_RENEWAL_COUNT The number of times a task has been renewed
APEX$TASK_STATE The task's current state
APEX$TASK_SUBJECT The task subject
APEX$TASK_TEXT The text message sent as part of the Add Comment, Request Information, and Submit Information task actions, which you can use as a bind variable to access the text in Execute Code or Send Email actions defined for these task operations