2 New Features

Oracle APEX release 24.1 includes a number of new features. These new features are not present in APEX release 23.2 and earlier releases.

2.1 Generative AI Support


For legal terms, see Generative AI Services in Oracle APEX Licensing Information User Manual.

Generative AI

You can now add Generative AI to APEX. Generative AI is configured on the APEX instance level, with further configuration available on the APEX workspace level. APEX supports the following providers:
  • Open AI
  • Cohere
  • OCI Generative AI
Once generative AI is enabled for your workspace, include AI in your applications by creating a dynamic action that opens the AI Assistant.

For more information on configuring generative AI, see Managing Generative AI in APEX in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

AI Chat Widget

Use the new Chat Widget, comprising a text area and a message area, to provide a chat-like experience with a Generative AI Service. Configure the System Prompt to give the AI context to request user input. You can also customize the Welcome Message that the AI Assistant displays to users.

Create App Using Generative AI

Create a new APEX Application using natural language from the Generative AI chat prompt. To use this option, configure a generative AI service in Workspace Utilities, and enable the Used by App Builder attribute.

AI Code Editor

The APEX Assistant is now integrated directly into code editors within the APEX Builder. To use the AI Chat widget in code editors, configure a generative AI service in Workspace Utilities and enable the Use in App Builder attribute.

The new AI button is available in the editor toolbar, and allows users to seamlessly access the AI Chat widget from inside any code editor.

2.2 Document Generator Service Integration

The Document Generator Service in OCI is now integrated into APEX as a new remote print server type. You can develop your printing templates in Microsoft Word, and the PDF engine combines your template and your app data to render the final output.

With Document Generator, you can:
  • configure Document Generator Object Storage Buckets
  • use report queries and report layouts to generate documents
  • enable document generator report layouts for classic reports and interactive reports
  • use the new page process type Print Report to use a report query as a data source instead of a report region
To use the Document Generator Service, your APEX instance must run off a database with DBMS_CLOUD installed. You configure the Document Generator Function through the OCI Pre-Built Functions page.


For more information on configuring report printing, see About Configuring Report Printing in Oracle APEX Administration Guide.

For more information on configuring the DBMS_CLOUD credential, see Understanding Web Credentials in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

For more information on configuring Document Generator as a Remote Print Server, see Document Generator Function in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

2.3 New Select One and Select Many Item Types

The new LOV-based item types, Select One and Select Many, only allow entries included on the data set, similar to select lists. These item types support:
  • custom HTML for choices with Template Directives
  • Icons
  • Groups
  • multi-column search and display
Select Many also supports:
  • showing chips as a delimited list when the focus is not on the Select Many item
  • JSON session state
  • multi-select where the user can select more than one option and the dropdown remains open

2.4 Template Component Enhancements

Slots for Template Components

Previously known as Display Points, and then renamed to Positions, these placements are now known as Slots. APEX has always allowed developers to place regions, items, and buttons inside page positions and region positions. With this release, developers can now place regions, items, and buttons into Page Slots, Region Slots, or Template Component Slots.

You can define slots on the Template Component Edit page. Template component slots allow nesting for multiple components, which is essential for creating advanced template components using layered UI designs. You can also limit what type of components are allowed in a template component slot, creating strong template guardrails for consistent appearance.

Declarative Selection Support for Template Component Reports

This feature enables selection support for Template Component Reports. Template components now support single and multiple selection as well as standard keyboard shortcuts for focus navigation and selection. A new attribute, Current Selection Page Item, puts the values of the selected row(s) into a page item for processing on the server. For multiple selection, use the new Select All Page Item attribute to select all items.

Template authors can use the new placeholder APEX$SELECTOR to add a checkbox or radio selector to rows.

Template Components without Data Source - Static Values

You can now create a template component without an attached data source. Instead, you provide settings for static values, include item or value substitutions.

Template Component Rendering

The performance for template component rendering is now improved.

New #APEX$DOM_ID# Placeholder for Template Component and Template Directive Execution

A new placeholder, #APEX$DOM_ID#, is available for every Template Component and Template Directive execution. This placeholder provides a unique random DOM ID, facilitating the seamless usage of dynamic DOM IDs within Template Directives.

Example 2-1 #APEX$DOM_ID# Usage

<h1 id="#APEX$DOM_ID#_heading">#HEADING#</h1><someelement aria-labelledby="#APEX$DOM_ID#_heading">

2.5 Component Groups

A Component Group is a collection of other shared components. Create a component group to manage a set of shared components that are all related to a specific functionality or requirement within your application. Component groups make it easy to copy, subscribe to, or refresh all components in the group with a single action.

All shared components that support subscription can be added to a component group with the exception of themes and templates, which are currently not supported.

2.6 Unlimited Attributes for Regions

In 23.2, the custom attribute limit for Template Components was lifted. In this release, this is extended to Region Plug-ins. New region plug-ins leverage the new infrastructure out of the box, including the new Attributes construct, which is available for t_plugin in order to read application-scope attributes. If your region plug-in has columns, t_region_column is available as well.

For existing plug-ins to benefit, developers need to make a few changes to their plug-ins.

Updating Existing Plug-Ins

To edit an existing plug-in:
  1. Edit the region plug-in and change the API Interface attribute to Procedure.


    The Substitute Attribute Values switch is now deprecated. When you move to the Procedure interface, this switch disappears. To perform substitutions on the attribute value, use apex_plugin_util.replace_substitutions.
  2. Change the signature of the render and ajax functions as below:
    -- old
    function render (
        p_plugin              in apex_plugin.t_plugin,
        p_region              in apex_plugin.t_region,
        p_is_printer_friendly in boolean )
        return apex_plugin.t_region_render_result 
    -- new
    procedure render (
        p_plugin in            apex_plugin.t_plugin,
        p_region in            apex_plugin.t_region,
        p_param  in            apex_plugin.t_region_render_param,
        p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_region_render_result )
    -- Note that p_is_printer_friendly is now available under p_param.is_printer_friendly 
    -- old
    function ajax (
        p_region in apex_plugin.t_region,
        p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin )
        return apex_plugin.t_region_ajax_result 
    -- new
    procedure ajax (
        p_plugin in            apex_plugin.t_plugin,
        p_region in            apex_plugin.t_region,
        p_param  in            apex_plugin.t_region_ajax_param,
        p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_region_ajax_result ) 


    You no longer need to return a dummy p_result, further simplifying your code.
  3. Update the reading of your custom attributes as follows:
    -- old
    l_my_attribute varchar2(32767) := p_region.attribute_01;
    -- new
    l_my_attribute varchar2(32767) := p_region.attributes.get_varchar2( 'attribute_01'


    The new get_varchar2 function takes the Static ID of the custom attribute as a parameter.

Upgrading to APEX 24.1

When upgrading to APEX 24.1, custom attributes are migrated to receive the new Static ID. An attribute with sequence 1 gets the ID attribute_01, attribute 2 gets ID attribute_02, and so on. This should simplify the migration of your code. For new attributes that you create after the move to 24.1, you can use whatever Static ID you wish.


Oracle recommends keeping the Static ID short, lowercase, and descriptive of its purpose. For example, css_classes, page_item_name, or plsql_code.

Changes to Public Dictionary Views

To accommodate the extra attributes, public views have changed:
  • Querying region plug-in attributes is now done by reading the JSON attributes column. Make sure to alias the view in order to leverage the friendlier JSON dot notation.
    select r.attributes.my_static_id
      from apex_application_page_regions r
     where ...
  • The attribute 01...25 columns are now obsolete and return null.
  • Reading application-scope and region column attributes is now done by reading the JSON attributes column.
    select s.attributes.my_static_id
      from apex_appl_plugin_settings s
     where ... 
    select c.attributes.my_static_id
       from apex_application_page_reg_cols c
     where ...

2.7 Workflow Enhancements

Workflow Diagram Region

The Workflow Diagram is a new region that displays a visual representation of the selected workflow instance. The region highlights the nodes and links the instance has passed through, giving users a clear understanding of the workflow route. The region is read-only.

Archive Purge Enhancements

Purgeable workflows and tasks are now visible with the following views:
  • Workflows:
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_WORKFLOWS for workflow instances
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_WF_ACTIVITIES, for workflow activity instances
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_WF_VARIABLES, for workflow variable values
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_WF_PARTICIPANT, for workflow participant values
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_WF_AUDIT, for the workflow audit log
  • Tasks:
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_TASKS, for task instances
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_TASK_HISTORY, for operations performed during the lifecycle of a task
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_TASK_COMMENTS, for comments on a task instance
    • APEX_PURGEABLE_TASK_PARAMETERS, for task parameters and parameter runtime values

In addition to the new views, the APEX_APPROVAL and APEX_WORKFLOW APIs now contain a get_next_purge_timestamp function to retrieve the timestamp of the next purge run.

Termination Function for Asynchronous Activity Plugins

You can now specify a termination function for custom process type plugins used as activities. The termination function executes when the workflow instance is terminated.

New Workflow Dashboards Page

When creating the Workflow Console page, you now have the option to create a Workflow Dashboards page. The workflow dashboards page shows analytics for all workflows in a given report context, including workflows by state, active workflows, faulted workflows, and average completion time of workflows.

Workflow Instance ID Available for Debug Messages

You can now expose the workflow instance ID in debug messages. This allows you to determine which workflow instance corresponds to a particular debug message.

2.8 Human Task Enhancements

Approvals Component: Allow Initiator to Approve or Reject Tasks

The new Initiator Can Complete option allows approval task initiators to complete approval tasks. This option is available as a switch in the task definition editor and as a select list with entries Yes and No in the Human Task - Create Page process in Page Designer and Workflow Designer. The default behavior for the switch in the task definition editor is Off. In the Human Task - Create Page process, the Initiator Can Complete select list is unselected by default.

Vacation Rules for Tasks

You can now use a procedure to define vacation rules for tasks, allowing substitution of task participants during runtime. You can add a vacation rule at the task definition level for that specific task definition, or at the application definition level for all task definitions in that application.

APEX evaluates vacation rule procedures when creating a new instance of a task and when the task instance is delegated.

2.9 Application Working Copy Enhancements

APEX 23.2 introduced Application Working Copies. The working copies features set is enhanced with APEX 24.1 to include the following changes:
  • a visual indicator in Page Designer shows when a page is changed or locked in another copy of the application
  • you are now notified when on the Main application
  • the Compare Page with Main utility is now available in Page Designer
  • a new report indicates which working copy a page is modified or locked in and provides the option to view the diff between the working copy and Main
  • the YAML diff editor now shows the last updated date
  • the 40-byte limit on the working copy name is now increased

2.10 Accessibility Improvements

New Accessibility Help Text in Page Designer

Accessibility help text is now incorporated into key attributes within Page Designer Help. This provides developers with clear and actionable guidance for creating more accessible APEX apps. The accessibility help text covers crucial accessibility aspects including alt text, color contrast, row headers for reports, labels, descriptions, and other important features.

Including accessibility-focused help text directly in Page Designer simplifies the accessibility process and underscores the importance of these attributes. The provided guidance includes best practices and recommendations, ensuring developers have practical support for crafting inclusive applications. For instance, the help text for Landmark Label now includes guidance on defining a good label, including label length and purpose.

The accessibility help text serves as a consistent reminder for developers to prioritize crafting inclusive applications to ensure greater accessibility for all users.

Development Environment Improvements

This release includes multiple accessibility improvements to core functionality in APEX, including:
  • improved region landmarks
  • improved region headings
  • appropriate row header columns for all report regions
  • improved page titles

Item Read-Only Handling

A new switch is available when editing the Application Definition: Accessible Read-Only Items. When toggled on, APEX renders the elements as readonly input or textarea elements, rather than legacy SPAN-based elements. These elements are now focusable and more easily discoverable for screen reader users.

This attribute is set to Off for backwards compatibility, and to On for new applications so new applications get the improved accessibility support out of the box.

2.11 Built-In Oracle Text Search Functions

APEX_SEARCH is now extended with two Oracle Text Query functions, Search Engine and Expert Search. These functions enable advanced full text search features including fuzzy searching and proximity search. You can access these functions programmatically with APEX_SEARCH.QUERY_SEARCH_ENGINE and APEX_SEARCH.QUERY_EXPERT_SEARCH.

For more information, see Editing a Search Configuration in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide or APEX_SEARCH in Oracle APEX API Reference.

2.12 Multi-Value Item Type JSON and Custom Separator Support

Multi-value item types now support JSON or custom separators for session state value. The Shuttle, Select Many, Select List, Combobox, List Manager, and Popup LOV now support a custom separator character for delimited list string values or a JSON array value. Plug-in developers can add the same functionality to their own multi-value item plug-ins.

2.13 Date Picker Support in Faceted Search and Smart Filters

APEX now has Date Picker support for Input Facets and Manual Range Inputs for Faceted Search and Smart Filters regions. You can also set and use your own format mask for date representation.

2.14 Declarative BLOB/CLOB File Download Support

APEX now supports BLOB and CLOB file downloads. The new Download Dynamic Action and new Download process type mean you can now download multiple files as a zip archive. This supports CLOB and VARCHAR2 data types as file content. You can also show the file as an attachment, prompting the user to download the file or show the file inline, inside the browser.

2.15 Multi-Domain Support for SAML Authentication

APEX now supports the "AssertionConsumerServiceIndex" attribute in SAML authentications. Administrators can configure SAML callbacks for multiple domains. See Supported Callback URLs in the Instance Administration settings under Security, SAML Authentication, or Configuring SAML Sign-In in Oracle APEX Administration Guide.

2.16 App and Page Database Object Dependencies API

You can now analyze and report on APEX table references, table dependencies, and table and database object references by page and application using the new API APEX_APP_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY.

For more information, see APEX_APP_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY in Oracle APEX API Reference.

2.17 Builder Extensions Enhancements

If your workspace is configured to host extensions, you can now invoke APEX applications from that workspace and use them in other workspaces on the same instance. If read access is granted by the invoking workspace, you can also access the application metadata (views) of the invoking workspace.

Other enhancements include:
  • a new Builder Extension Sign-in Authentication Scheme that allows developers to open the extension app from an APEX session without having to sign-in with username/password.
  • the option to publish Extension apps using the Extension Menu
  • subscription updates so workspaces can subscribe to Extension Menus from Extension Workspaces and invoke the published Extensions
  • a new API package, APEX_EXTENSION.SET_WORKSPACE, that allows accessing repository data of workspaces that have granted read access to an Extension workspace in Automations or PL/SQL in APEX session context
For more information, see Managing Links on the Extension Menu in Oracle APEX Administration Guide and Builder Extension Sign-in in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

2.18 Improved Shared Component Subscriptions

APEX 23.2 added a few new features to the subscription functionality. These features included read-only behavior for subscribed components, automatic dependency resolution, a subscription status column, and an option for bulk refresh. These new features are now available for the following shared components:
  • Lists
  • Data Load Definitions
  • REST Data Sources
  • Authentication Schemes
  • Authorization Schemes
  • Lists of Values
  • Plug-Ins
  • Shortcuts
  • Search Configurations
  • Data Profiles


After upgrading to APEX 24.1, the Subscription Status for the subscribed shared components will display as "Could not determine, needs refresh". To change the status to "Up to date", either publish or refresh the shared component.

2.19 App Builder Enhancements

Spotlight Search Enhancements

Spotlight Search is enhanced. Displaying the search results has never been faster thanks to fuzzy search. Results are now neatly organized into categories, making them much easier to find, and APEX now highlights search terms with the matches of your search to improve visibility.

Component Export Across Different Workspace and Applications

Component import now introduces support for importing and exporting components into different workspace or applications. Previously, this was only possible to do from the command line. For more information, see Importing a Component Export in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

2.20 Server Side Geocoding

A new process type, Server Side Geocoding, is available on Oracle APEX Autonomous Database instances. This allows users to turn a postal address to a coordinate on the server independently from the UI. Server Side Geocoding is supported for Page Processes, Automation Actions, Task Definition Actions, and Workflow Activities.

2.21 Hierarchical JSON Support for REST Sources

This release introduces support for hierarchical REST Source Data Profiles. APEX components can now consume data from REST Sources on every hierarchy level, and are no longer limited to REST APIs that return "flat" JSON responses. Array Columns and Hierarchies are also supported in REST Source Catalog. This feature adds Array Columns, which allow the REST Source data profile to represent the hierarchy of the JSON response. APEX components that use REST Sources (including reports, charts, and forms) also specify the Array Column in order to work with data on the requested hierarchy level.

Use the APEX_EXEC PL/SQL API to support building DML requests with Array Columns and programmatically fetch hierarchical data from REST Sources.

2.22 Improvements to REST Source Infrastructure

A new Is Common attribute is available in the Data Profile column definitions, which allows the Create Page Wizard to focus on the important attributes when creating new pages.

A Detail Interactive Grid built on top of a REST Data Source can use the new Parent Column parameter type to use a primary key value of the parent grid as the value for a REST Source parameter.

2.23 Support for Database Credentials

Web credentials can now reference a database credential to store the Client ID and Client Secret. The web credential type must be Basic Authentication or OAuth2 Client Credentials. This feature is only available on Oracle Database 23ai or Autonomous Database release 19c or later.

The database credential is completely maintained by the database, and APEX does not have access to the stored secrets. For more information, see Using a Database Credential with Web Credentials in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

2.24 Readable Export Enhancements

Application Export has a readable/diffable version in YAML format. With APEX 24.1, this export is extended to include multiple enhancements.

Export Individual Pages in Readable Format

Pages can now be exported in readable YAML format through the Export Page option in App Builder, or through sqlcl/command line. You can use this method to compare different versions of a page in a readable format.

Improvements for Better Diff Analysis

Exporting in readable format now defaults Original IDs to YES. This ensures that the primary key (ID) values of components keep their original value, and don't show up as a diff when comparing different versions.

Application-Level Readable Export

You can configure the application to only allow readable exports by setting the Readable Format switch to On.

Include Audit Information in Readable Exports

You can now optionally include audit information in export files, including the date the export was made and the name of the user doing the export.

2.25 Universal Theme Enhancements

Improved Content-Security-Policy for Universal Theme

Universal Theme 24.1 includes the following improvements to better support Content-Security-Policy:
  • adds .a-Error-back js handler for error page templates
  • removes inline event handlers
  • adds #APEX_CSP_NONCE_ATTRIBUTE# on script tags where necessary
  • removes PopupLOV onload="first_field()" and uses native autofocus instead
  • adds support for #APEX_CSP_DISPLAY_NONE# substitution string to use style=display:none;
  • adds reference to #APEX_CSP_DISPLAY_NONE# in eight templates
  • adds support for #ONCLICK# substitution string on in button templates
  • moves inline JavaScript click event handlers on buttons (onclick attribute) to page-level script event registration


    This change removes the onclick attribute from buttons starting in Universal Theme 24.1. For more information, see Changes to onclick.

Redwood Light Enhancements

This release includes minor UI enhancements for Avatars, Badges, Combobox and LOV chips File Drop Train (Wizard), Input focus styles, Interactive Grid and Interactive Report filters and chips, and Page headers.

2.26 Dynamic Action Enhancements

New "Input" Dynamic Actions Event

The browser event Input is now available when configuring a Dynamic Action. The event fires every time the value of the form element changes. This is different from the Change event, which only fires when the value is committed--for example, by pressing the Enter key or selecting a value from a list of options.

The Input event is not fired when JavaScript changes an element's value programmatically.

New Quick Pick Options for Dynamic Actions

Execute JavaScript Code and Execute Server-side Code are now available from the Quick Pick options.

2.27 Translation of Runtime Messages into Ukrainian and Vietnamese

APEX now supports the translation of runtime messages into Ukrainian and Vietnamese, extending our language support to 34 languages.

APEX supports the following languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, French - Canada, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal) (pt), Romanian, Russian, Serbian - Cyrillic, Serbian - Latin, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

For more information, see Installing Translated Versions of APEX in Oracle APEX Installation Guide.

2.28 Define Maximum Emails Processed

You can now use the attribute Maximum Emails Processed per Workspace in Administration Services to define the number of emails messages processed from the queue per workspace during each invocation of the ORACLE_APEX_MAIL_QUEUE scheduler job.

2.29 Alternative Labels for Interactive Reports

Interactive reports now have a new attribute: Heading, Alternative Label. Use the alternative label when the heading contains extra formatting, such as HTML tags, that do not display properly. APEX uses the alternative label in dialogs and all column headings.

2.30 Unified Privilege Management

When assigning a schema to a workspace in Administration Services, there is a new switch: Grant APEX Privileges. When enabled, APEX grants privileges of APEX_GRANTS_FOR_NEW_USERS_ROLE to the schema. An equivalent parameter exists for the procedure APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN.ADD_SCHEMA.

2.31 Automatic Dismissal of Success Messages

You can now set all application success messages to dismiss automatically by turning on the Auto-Dismiss Success Messages attribute. The attribute is located in the application's User Interface settings.

You can also control message timing and turn auto-dismiss on or off with the new apex.message.setDismissPreferences API.

2.32 PL/SQL API Updates


The new TERMINATE function terminates a currently executing automation. This deprecates the existing ABORT function.


The new DESCRIBE_QUERY function describes columns and data types of a data source (Local, REST Source, or REST Enabled SQL).


There are multiple changes in APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN:
  • adding new parameters EXPIRE_FND_USER_ACCOUNTS, MAX_LOGIN_FAILURES, and ACCOUNT_LIFETIME_DAYS for use with SET_WORKSPACE_PARAMETER and GET_WORKSPACE_PARAMETER to control account locking on runtime-only instances.
  • adding new p_grant_apex_privileges parameter to the ADD_SCHEMA procedure when adding a workspace schema.
  • adding CREATE_OR_UPDATE_ADMIN_USER procedure signature 2 that accepts one parameter, p_username. This creates an instance administration user account (for example, a user in the INTERNAL workspace). If the account already exists, this procedure unlocks it. This creates or updates the account with a random password, which is not needed when the builder authentication is Database Accounts.


The new PRINT_READ_ONLY API handles the rendering of read-only items. This new API should be used instead of the existing apex_plug_util.print_display_only.

2.33 JavaScript API Updates

New Interfaces, Events, Options, and Function

This release contains new interfaces, events, options, and a function:
  • New interfaces:
    • cardsRegion
    • templateReportRegion
  • New events in apex namespace:
    • apexcurrentrowchange
    • apexselectionchange
  • New item interface methods:
    • getMultiValueStorage
    • getSeparator
  • New options added to apex.item.create:
    • storageType
    • separator
  • New function: apex.message.setDismissPreferences
  • New option added to apex.message.setThemeHooks: successMessageContainerSelector

Changes and Additions Related to Selection

This release includes changes and additions related to selection in model interface and tableModelViewBase, tableModelView, and grid widgets:
  • Widget tableModelView new options:
    • accLabelColumn
    • allowCopy
    • clipboardValue
    • entityTitlePlural
    • entityTitleSingular
    • itemNavigationMode
    • itemSelector
    • loadIncompleteSelection
    • multiple
    • selectAll
    • selectAllId
    • selectionStateItem
    • updateStatus
  • Widget tableModelView new event: currentitemchange
  • Widget tableModelView new methods:
    • fetchAllData
    • getCurrentItem
    • getCurrentItemValue
    • getSelectedValues
    • selectAll
    • setCurrentItem
    • setCurrentItemValue
    • setSelectedValues
  • Widget grid new options:
    • constrainNavigation
    • entityTitlePlural
    • entityTitleSingular
    • loadIncompleteSelection
    • selectionStateItem
    • updateStatus
  • Widget grid new event: currentcellchange
  • Widget grid new methods:
    • fetchAllData
    • getColumnForCell
    • getCurrentCell
    • setCurrentCell
  • Interface model new method:
    • getSelectionState

Other Changes

This release includes other JavaScript API changes:
  • Date support added to facetsRegion. The dataType property now includes "DATE", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE" and the new property formatMask.
  • Change to apex.util.toArray: pSeparator arg can be an object now.

Updated Descriptions, Examples, or Typos Fixed

This release includes various updated descriptions, examples, or typos fixed in these areas:
  • apex.message
  • apex.page.confirm
  • navigation.openInNewWindow
  • apex.util.toArray
  • apex.locale.toNumber
  • apex.util.applyTemplate loop directive
  • numberFieldItem
  • item
  • item.getValue
  • tableModelViewBase
  • tableModelView
  • grid
  • recordView
  • model
  • iconList
  • $v
  • $v_CheckValueAgainst
  • apex.widget.waitPopup
  • treeView
  • treeNodeAdapter
  • mapRegion

2.34 JavaScript Library Upgrades

  • Backbone 1.6
  • cropperjs 1.6.1
  • DOMPurify 3.1.4
  • FullCalendar 6.1.11
  • Less.js 4.2.0
  • MapLibre 4.0.1
  • Marked.js 12.0.1
  • Monaco Editor 0.47.0
  • Oracle JET 16.0.1
  • Oracle Rich Text Library (ORTL) 1.0.2
  • terser 5.30.3
  • TinyMCE 6.8.3
  • Turndown 7.1.3