Managing Users in a Workspace

Create new user accounts, manage existing user accounts, and change user passwords.


You can access many workspace administration functions (such as Manage Service, Manage Users and Groups) from both the Administration menu and the Workspace Administration home page. For consistency, this section navigates the user to the Workspace Administration home page.

About Application Accounts Authentication

Application Express Accounts authentication is an built-in authentication method in which user accounts are created and managed in the Oracle Application Express user repository. User accounts are particularly useful if your application is using Application Express Accounts authentication.

See Also:

"Application Express Account Credentials" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide

About Application Express User Roles

Oracle Application Express users are divided into four roles.

To access the Oracle Application Express development environment, users sign in to a shared work area called a workspace. Users are divided into the following primary roles:

  • End users do not have access to development or administrative capabilities. End cannot sign into a workspace and create applications. End users can only run existing database or Websheet applications.

  • Developers are users who create and edit applications, monitor workspace activity, and view dashboards.

  • Workspace administrators are users who perform administrator tasks specific to a workspace such as managing user accounts, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files.

  • Instance administrators are superusers that manage an entire hosted instance using the Application Express Administration Services application. Instance administrators manage workspace provisioning, configure features and instance settings, and manage security.

Creating User Accounts

Workspace administrators can create new user accounts one at a time, or create multiple accounts in a single operation.

Creating a New User Account

Create new user accounts from the Manage Users and Groups page.

To create a new user account:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Click Create User.
    The Create User page appears.
  4. Under User Identification, enter:
    1. Username - Enter the username used to sign in to the system. Restrictions include:
      • Maximum length of 100 characters

      • No spaces

      • Only these special characters are permitted: ampersand (&) and period (.)

    2. Email Address - Enter the valid email address for this user.
    3. First Name - Enter the first or given name to further identify the user (optional).
    4. Last Name - Enter the last or family name to further identify the user (optional).
    5. Description - Enter comments about this user (optional).
    6. Default Date Format - Specify the default Oracle date format for the user. This option controls the default date format within SQL Workshop.
  5. Under Account Privileges:
    1. Default Schema - Specify the default schema used for data browsing, application creation, and SQL script execution. When using workspaces that have more than one schema available, this schema is the default. This setting does not control security, only the user's preference.
    2. Accessible Schemas (null for all) - Leave this blank to enable the end user to access all schemas associated with the workspace.
    3. User is a workspace administrator - Select Yes or No to specify if this user should have workspace administrator privileges. Administrators are given access to all components. Additionally, they can manage user accounts, groups, and development services. Components may not be available if they are switched off by Instance administrators.
    4. User is a developer - Select Yes or No to specify if this user should have developer privileges.
      Developers create and modify applications and database objects and view developer activity, session state, workspace activity, application, and schema reports. Developers must have access to either App Builder, SQL Workshop, or both. Components may not be available if they are switched off by Instance administrators.
    5. App Builder Access - Determines whether a developer has access to App Builder.
    6. SQL Workshop Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the SQL Workshop.
    7. Team Development Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the Team Development.
    8. Set Account Availability - Select Locked to prevent the account from being used. Select Unlocked to allow the account to be used. If the user has exceeded the maximum login failures allowed as defined in Workspace Preferences, then the account is locked automatically.
  6. Under Password:
    1. Password - Enter a case-sensitive password.
    2. Confirm Password - Enter the password again.
    3. Require Change of Password On First Use - Select No to allow the user to use the same password until it expires. Select Yes to require the user to change the password immediately when logging in the first time.
  7. Under Group Assignments, specify the groups to which this user belongs. To assign a user to a group, select the group and click Move. To select multiple groups, press and hold the CTRL key and then click Move All. To remove a user from a group, select the group and click Remove.
  8. Click Create User or Create and Create Another.


An Instance administrator can configure these settings for an entire Oracle Application Express instance and define password complexity policies. See "About Authentication Controls," "About Strong Password Policies," and "Configuring Password Policies."

Creating Multiple Users Simultaneously

Create multiple new user accounts simultaneously.


You can access many workspace administration functions (such as Manage Service, Manage Users and Groups) from both the Administration menu and the Workspace Administration home page. For consistency, this section navigates the user to the Workspace Administration home page.

To create multiple user accounts simultaneously:
  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Click Create Multiple Users.
    The Create Multiple Users page appears.
  4. List of Email Addresses - Enter or copy and paste email addresses separated by commas, semicolons, or new lines. Note that if you copy and paste email addresses from email messages, extraneous text will be filtered out.
  5. Usernames - Specify whether to include or exclude the domain name. Select one of the following:
    • Set username to full email address - Includes the full email address.
    • Exclude @ domain as part of the username - Removes all text after the @ symbol (for example, becomes user1)
  6. Under Account Privileges:
    1. Default Schema - Specify the default schema used for data browsing, application creation, and SQL script execution. When using workspaces that have more than one schema available, this schema is the default. This setting does not control security, only the user's preference.
    2. Accessible Schemas (null for all) - Enter a colon-delimited list of schemas for which this developer has permissions when using the SQL Workshop. The list of schemas you enter here restricts the user to a subset of the full set of schemas provisioned for the workspace and determines what schema names the user sees in SQL Workshop.
    3. Uses are workspace administrators - Select Yes or No. Specify if these users should have workspace administrator privileges. Like developers, workspace administrators can create and modify applications and database objects. Additionally, they can also manage user accounts, groups, and development services.
    4. Users are developers - Select Yes or No. Specify if these users should have developer privileges. Developers can create and modify applications and database objects.
    5. App Builder Access - Determines whether a developer has access to App Builder. An administrator always has access to the App Builder. A Developer must have access to either the App Builder, the SQL Workshop, or both.
    6. SQL Workshop Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the SQL Workshop. An administrator always has access to SQL Workshop. A Developer must have access to either the App Builder, the SQL Workshop, or both.
    7. Team Development Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the Team Development. An administrator always has access to Team Development.
  7. Under Password:
    • Password - Specify a password. Passwords are case-sensitive. Developers can change their own passwords. Developers with Administrator privilege can change the passwords of users within the same workspace.
    • Confirm Password - Enter the password again.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Create Valid Users.

Editing Existing User Accounts

Edit existing user accounts on the Manage Users and Groups page.

To edit an existing user account:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Select a user.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Edit the appropriate attributes. To learn more, see field-level Help.
  5. Click Apply Changes.

Locking and Unlocking a User Account

Control access to a workspace by locking and unlocking a user account.

To lock or unlock a user account:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Select a user.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Scroll down to Account Privileges.
  5. Under Account Privileges, Account Availability:
    • Locked - Select this option prevent the account from being used.
    • Unlocked - Select this option to enable the account to be used.


    If the user exceeds the maximum login failures specified in Workspace Preferences, then the account is locked automatically. Instance administrators can configure these settings for an entire Oracle Application Express instance.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

See Also:

"Configuring Security"

Changing a User Account Password

Change user account passwords on the Manage Users and Groups page.

To change an user account password:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Select a user.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Scroll down to Password. Under Password:
    1. Password - Enter a case-sensitive password.
    2. Confirm Password - Enter the password again.
    3. Require Change of Password On First Use - Select No to allow the user to use the same password until it expires. Select Yes to require the user of this account to change the password immediately after logging in the first time using the current password. This rule applies to the use of this account for workspace administration or development as well as to use of this account to sign in to running applications.
  5. Click Apply Changes.

Deleting User Accounts

Workspace administrators can delete user accounts one at a time or delete multiple accounts in a single operation.

Deleting a Single User Account

Delete single user accounts on the Manage Users and Groups page.

To delete a user account:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Select a user.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Click Delete User.
  5. Confirm your selection and click OK.

Deleting Multiple Users at Once

Delete multiple user accounts at once on the Manage Users and Groups page.

To delete multiple user accounts in a single operation:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. On the Tasks list, click Delete Multiple Users.
    The Delete Multiple Users page appears.
  4. Select the users to be deleted.
  5. Click Delete Users.

Viewing the Users Dashboard

The Users Dashboard displays a summary of your account information, users in the current workspace, defined user groups, recently created users, and user status

To view the Users Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Dashboards.

    The Dashboard page appears.

  3. Click Users.

    The Users Dashboard appears listing the following information:

    • Your Account lists information about your account including your username, workspace, account credentials, and email address.
    • Workspace Users lists statistics about all users in the current workspace.
    • User Groups lists all currently defined user groups.
    • Recently Created lists recently created users.
    • User Status lists valid passwords, expired passwords, locked accounts, unlocked accounts, and any accounts for which no email address is defined.

Using Groups to Manage Application Express Users

Workspace administrators can create and manage Application Express users using groups. You can use groups for categorization and to manage privileges.

About Groups

Administrators can create user groups to restrict access to various parts of an application.

Creating user groups enables administrators to:

  • Control access to application components.

  • Manage the privileges for a group of users. You can assign application groups to user groups to control user access.

User groups are not portable over different authentication schemes and are primarily useful when using Application Express Account Credentials authentication.

Creating a Group

Create user groups on the Groups page.

To create a new group:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Click Groups.
  4. Click Create User Group.

    On the User Group Page:

    1. Group Name - Enter a name for group to be created.

    2. Description - Enter a description for the group to be created.

    3. Group Grants - The current group is a member of the groups on the right. To make the current group a member of an additional group, select the group and click Move. To remove group membership, select the group and click Remove.

  5. Click Create Group.

Editing an Existing User Group

Edit user groups on the Groups page.

To edit an existing group assignment:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.
  4. Select a group.
    The User Group page appears.
  5. Make the appropriate edits and click Apply Changes.

Adding and Removing Users from a Group

Add and remove user groups on the Edit User page.

To add or remove a user from a group:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Select a user.

    The Edit User page appears.

  4. Scroll down to Group Assignments.

    Each user belongs to the groups on the right.

  5. To add a user to a group, select the group and click Move.
  6. To remove a user from a group, select the group and click Remove.
  7. Click Apply Changes.

Assigning a Group to Another Group

Manage privileges by assigning application groups to user groups.

To assign a group to another group:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Click Groups.
  4. Select the user group.
  5. Scroll down to Group Grants.

    The current group is a member of the groups on the right. To make the current group a member of an additional group, select the group and click Move. To remove group membership, select the group and click Remove.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

Viewing Group Assignments

The Group Assignments page lists groups assigned to users and other groups. You can use groups for categorization and to manage privileges.

To view group assignments:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.
    The Workspace Administration home page appears.
  2. Click Manage Users and Groups.
  3. Click Group Assignments.
  4. Select the grantee to edit.