apex namespace

The apex namespace contains all the apex sub namespaces such as debug, navigation, and server, and a few common apex functions and properties.

About apex.confirm Function

The apex.confirm function displays a confirmation and depending on the user's choice either submits the page, or cancels a page submit. This function has 2 signatures.

apex.confirm Signature 1

This function is an alias for apex.page.confirm.

apex.confirm Signature 2

This function is an alias for apex.page.confirm.

apex.gPageContext$ Property

Application Express variable that stores the current page context. The current page context is different depending on whether the page is a Desktop, or jQuery Mobile page. For Desktop, this is set to the document level. For jQuery Mobile, where pages are actually represented as DIV elements in the Browser DOM and multiple page DIVs can be loaded in the Browser DOM at one time, this is set to the DIV element representing the current page. This is used to set the context for your jQuery selectors, to ensure that the selector is executing within the context of the correct page.


jQuery( ".my_class", apex.gPageContext$ );

This selects all elements with a CSS class of my_class, in the context of the current page.

apex.jQuery Property

Application Express property that holds the jQuery object that Application Express uses. Ideally there is just one copy of jQuery on a page but it is possible to have multiple copies and even different versions of jQuery on a page. This is sometimes necessary when using third party plugins that only work with an older version of jQuery. Use this property in place of global variables $ or jQuery to ensure you are using the same jQuery library that Application Express is using.


The following function creates a local variable $ as a convenient way to reference jQuery while ensuring that it is using the same jQuery that APEX uses.

function myFunction() {
    var $ = apex.jQuery;
    // use $ to access jQuery functionality

About apex.submit Function

The apex.submit function submits the current page. This function has 2 signatures.

apex.submit Signature 1

This function is an alias for apex.page.submit.

apex.submit Signature 2

This function is an alias for apex.page.submit.