Managing Uploaded Files and Images

You can upload files and images to a Websheet page using the Files region. Once uploaded, you can display uploaded images within a page section or embed download links to files.

Uploading Files and Images

Upload a file or image to a Websheet by clicking the Add File icon (+) in the Files menu.

To upload files and images to a Websheet:

  1. Log in to and run the Websheet.
  2. Under Files on the right side of the page, click the Add File icon.
  3. On the Add File page:
    1. File - Browse to locate the file to upload. Once uploaded, the file is associated with the current page. You can reference an uploaded file in any page using the image or file syntax.
    2. Alias - A file alias enables you to embed download links or image links within page sections. A file alias must be unique within an application.
    3. Description - Enter descriptive text to describe the file.
  4. Click Add File.

Including a Download Link in a Page Section

You can embed a download link within a page section to uploaded files using the following syntax.


[[ file: < file name > | < link name > ]]
[[ file: < file alias > | < link name > ]]

Syntax Examples:

[[file: myfile ]]
[[file: myfile.xls ]]
[[file: myfile | My File ]]

File Markup Example:

This [[file: parts01.xls | spreadsheet ]] documents our part numbers.

Displaying an Uploaded Image Inline

After you upload an image, you can display it within any page section of an application by embedding a download link using the following syntax. Reference an uploaded image using the image name or image alias.

Images defined for the current page are used before images associated with other pages. If image names are ambiguous, the most recently created image displays.


[[ image: < file name > | < properties > ]]
[[ image: < file alias > | < properties > ]]

Syntax Examples:

[[image: myimage ]]
[[image: theimagename.jpg ]]
[[image: myimage | width="600" alt="my image" ]]


This diagram [[image: diagram1]] illustrates the work flow.

Editing or Deleting Uploaded Files

Edit or delete an uploaded file by clicking the Edit File icon in the Files region.

To edit details or delete uploaded files:

  1. Log in to and run the Websheet.
  2. In the Files region, click theEdit File icon.
    The Details page appears.
  3. To edit file details:
    1. Edit the fields provided. See item Help for more details.
    2. To accept your changes, click Apply Changes.
  4. To delete a file:
    1. Click Delete.
    2. To accept your changes, click OK.