Oracle Application Express 18: Mobile App (1 of 3) - Creating

Oracle by Example branding Oracle Application Express 18: Mobile App (1 of 3) - Creating

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create a responsive, mobile application using Universal Theme in Oracle Application Express 18. You also learn how to add and edit a report with List View on the Projects page.

This is the first tutorial in the Oracle Application Express 18: Mobile App Series. Read the tutorials in sequence:


Mobile applications developed with Oracle Application Express are browser-based applications that run inside the browser on the mobile device. Therefore, these applications must have a connection in order to communicate with the Oracle Database and cannot operate in a disconnected environment. The major advantage of developing browser-based applications is that you only need to develop them once for desktop and mobile devices.

Although the Universal Theme is optimized to work well on mobile devices, not all components are mobile friendly. For example, interactive reports and interactive grids do not work well in mobile environments. When creating reports for mobile devices, Oracle recommends the following report types: List View, Column Toggle Report, and Reflow Report.

What Do You Need?

Accessing Your Development Environment

How you sign in and access Oracle Application Express depends upon where Oracle Application Express resides. Oracle Application Express may reside in a local on-premises Oracle Database or in a hosted environment, such as the Oracle Cloud. The sign in credentials you use to sign in differ depending upon the installation type.

  • Free Workspace: Give Oracle Application Express a test run by signing up for a free workspace. To request an evaluation workspace, go to, and click Get Started for Free.
  • Oracle Cloud: Develop and deploy applications without worrying about infrastructure, repair, and downtime. Oracle Application Express is available in Exadata Express Cloud Service and Database Cloud Service. However, you need to manually customize your databases to install and enable Oracle Application Express. To learn more, see Oracle Database Cloud Service.
  • Oracle Application Express On-premises: Install Oracle Application Express directly within any Oracle Database and then sign in to your workspace using your sign in credentials. For details on your sign in credentials, contact your administrator or see Oracle Application Express Installation Guide.
  • Oracle Application Express Pre-Built VM: Install a Pre-Built Virtual Machine (VM) which includes an Oracle Database and Oracle Application Express 18.1. To learn more, see Hands-On Labs.
    Once the VM is installed, start the VM:
    • Click the big red circle labeled Start.
    • Click the APEX shortcut, or enter the following URL:http://localhost:8080/ords/f?p=4550:1
    • When prompted to sign in, enter the sign in credentials (unless given other credentials to use):
      • Workspace: obe
      • Username: obe
      • Password: oracle

section 1Create a Mobile Application

In this section, you run the Create Application Wizard and create a new application. Later, you will add pages to it.

To create an application:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express by entering the credentials (workspace, username, and password).
  2. On the workspace homepage, click the App Builder icon.
    Description of the illustration app_builder.png
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select New Application from the Create an Application window.
    Description of the illustration create_app.png
    The Create an Application page appears.
  5. On the Create an Application page:
    • Name: Enter My_Mobile_Application
    • Click Create Application
    Description of the illustration create_mobile_page.png
  6. The Application home page appears. The application ID and name display in the upper left corner. The Create Application Wizard has created three pages: Global Page - Desktop, Home, and Login Page.

section 2Specify User Interface Details

In this section, you customize the Navigation Menu to optimize it for a mobile device. You can modify the display by changing and updating the list template and template options as per your preference. For example, you have the option to choose a Top or a Side navigation or choose the option if you want to display your labels.

To specify default user interface:

  1. Access the User Interfaces pages:
    • On the application home page, click Shared Components .
    • Under User Interface, click User Interface Attributes.
    Defined User Interfaces display in the User Interfaces region at the top of the page.
  2. Under User Interfaces, click the Edit icon next to Desktop.
    Description of the illustration edit_icon.png
  3. Under Navigation Menu:
    • Position – Select Top
    • List Template – Select Top Navigation Tabs
    • Template Options
      • Desktop - Select Display labels above
      • Mobile – Select Do not display labels
    • Click Apply Changes.
      Description of the illustration specify_user_interface_details.png
      The User Interface page displays.
    • Click Apply Changes again to return to the application home page.

section 3Add Report with List View on Projects

In this section you create List View report on the Projects table. List View reports feature a responsive design to display data and provide easy navigation on mobile devices. To add a report:

  1. On the application home page, click Create Page.
  2. On Create a Page, select Form.
    Description of the illustration select_form.png
  3. Choose Report with List View on Table.
    Description of the illustration report_with_list_view_table.png
  4. On Create Form and List View - List View Page page, define the following attributes:
    • Report Page Name - Enter Projects
    • Form Page Name - Select Maintain Projects
    Description of the illustration list_view_project.png
    • Click Next.
  5. For Navigation Menu:On Create Form and List View - Navigation Menu page, define the following attributes:
    • Navigation Preference: Select Create a new navigation menu entry
    • New Navigation Menu Entry – Accept the default, Projects
    • Parent Navigation Menu Entry – Select No Parent selected
    • project-nav_menu
      Description of the illustration project-nav_menu.png
    • Now, you select how you want this page to be integrated in to the Navigation Menu. Click Next
  6. On Create Form and List View - Data Source page, defne the following attributes:
    • Table/View Owner – Accept the default.
    • Table/View Name – Search for and select SAMPLE$PROJECTS (table).
    • Select Column(s) to be shown in Report - Select the columns to include in the report. Included columns display on the right. Include:
      • NAME (Varchar2)
      • DESCRIPTION (Varchar2)
      • BUDGET (Varchar2)
    •   Click Next.
    Description of the project_data_source.png
  7. On Create Form and List View - Form page, define the following attributes:
    • Primary Key Type – Accept the default.
    • Under Select Column(s) to be shown in Form - Determine the columns to be included in the form. Included columns display on the right.  Include:
      • STATUS_ID (Number
      • NAME (Varchar2)
      • DESCRIPTION (Varchar2)
      • PROJECT_LEAD (Varchar2)
      • BUDGET (Varchar2)
      • COMPLETED_DATE (Date)
    Description of the project_form_list_view.png
    • Click Create. The Projects page is added.

section 4Edit List View Report

To edit list view report:

  1. In the Page Designer - Rendering tab, locate the List View region containing the report. Select Attributes.
  2. In the Property Editor, update the following:
    • Settings: Text Column – Select Name
    • Settings: Supplemental Information Column – Select Description
    Description of the edit_list_view_report.png
  3. Click Save and Run page. You are prompted to enter your username and password. The Application Wizard displays a Projects page with a List View.
    Description of the resized_list_view_report_page.png

next stepNext Tutorial

Oracle Application Express 18: Mobile App (2 of 3) - Adding Reports

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