2.5.1 Managing Feature Configuration

Use the Feature Configuration page to configure the application development environment, SQL Workshop functionality, database monitoring, application activity logging, and instance-level support for file upload. Disabling PL/SQL Program Unit Editing for an Instance

Control if PL/SQL program unit editing is available in an instance on the Feature Configuration page.

By default, developers can change and compile PL/SQL source code when browsing database procedures, packages, and functions in Object Browser. As an Instance administrator, you can control if PL/SQL program unit editing is available on an Oracle Application Express instance.

To disable PL/SQL program unit editing:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Locate the Application Development section.
  5. For Allow PL/SQL Program Unit Editing, select No.
  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling the Creation of Demonstration Objects in New Workspaces

Enable the creation of demonstration objects when creating new workspaces on the Feature Configuration page.

When creating a new workspace, an Instance administrators can create demonstration objects by enabling the attribute,Create demonstration objects in new workspaces . When this attribute is set to Yes, new workspaces include a demonstration applications and demonstration database objects.

To enable the creation of demonstration database objects in a new workspace:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Locate the Application Development section.
  5. For Create demonstration objects in new workspaces, select Yes to include demonstration applications and demonstration database objects when creating new workspace. To disable the creation of demonstration applications, select No
  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling the Creation of Websheet Objects in New Workspaces

Enable the creation of Websheet objects when creating new workspaces on the Feature Configuration page.

When creating a new workspace, an Instance administrators can create demonstration Websheet objects by enabling the attribute, Create Websheet objects in new workspaces . When this attribute is set to Yes, new workspaces include a sample Websheet application and other sample database objects.  

To enable the creation of sample Websheet objects in a new workspace:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Locate the Application Development section.
  5. For Create Websheet objects in new workspaces, select Yes. To disable the creation of Websheet objects, select No.
  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling and Disabling SQL Access in Websheets

Control the ability to use the SQL tag and the ability to create SQL reports in Websheets on the Feature Configuration page.

An Instance administrator can control the ability to use the SQL tag and the ability to create SQL reports in Websheets. When disabled, all Websheet applications in all workspaces in the instance are prevented from using the SQL tag or creating SQL reports.

To control SQL access in Websheets:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Locate the Application Development section.
  5. For Enable SQL Access in Websheets, select Yes or No.
  6. Click Apply Changes. Configuring Application Installation Options

Enable or disable support for specific authentication schemes when installing productivity and sample applications on the Feature Configuration page.

To configure application installation options:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Under Application Install Options, select Yes to support the authentication schemes when installing new applications, or select No to disable support for the authentication schemes:
    • Allow HTTP Header Variable authentication

    • Allow LDAP Directory authentication

    • Allow Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On authentication

  5. Click Apply Changes.

    See Also:

    "Utilizing Packaged Applications" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide Configuring SQL Workshop

Configure basic SQL Workshop behavior for an instance.

Instance administrators can configure SQL Workshop behavior on the Feature Configuration page.

To configure SQL Workshop:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Under SQL Workshop, enter the following attributes:

    Table 2-1 SQL Workshop Attributes

    Attribute Description

    SQL Commands Maximum Inactivity in minutes

    Identify the maximum amount of time a transactional command in the SQL Command Processor waits before timing out.

    SQL Scripts Maximum Script Output Size in bytes

    Identify the maximum amount of output a single SQL script can generate. SQL scripts are run from the SQL Workshop.

    SQL Scripts Maximum Workspace Output Size in bytes

    Identify the maximum amount of space all scripts within a workspace may consume. SQL script results are the output generated when running SQL scripts from the Script Editor or from the SQL Scripts home page.

    SQL Scripts Maximum Script Size in bytes

    Identify the maximum size of a SQL script used within the SQL Workshop.

    Enable Transactional SQL Commands

    Select Yes to enable transactional SQL commands for the entire Oracle Application Express instance. Enabling this feature permits SQL Command Processor users to issue multiple SQL commands within the same physical database transaction.

    When you select Yes, an Autocommit check box appears on the SQL Command Processor page. By default, this option is set to No.

  5. Click Apply Changes. Enabling Database Monitoring

Enable monitoring within SQL Workshop.

Before you can access the Database Monitoring page, an Instance administrator must enable database monitoring. See "Monitoring the Database" in Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop Guide


Only users having a database user account that has been granted a DBA role can access the Database Monitor page.

Setting Enable Database Monitoring to Yes enables monitoring within SQL Workshop. Before you can access the Database Monitoring page, an Instance administrator must enable database monitoring.

To enable database monitoring:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Scroll down to Monitoring.
  5. For Enable Database Monitoring, select Yes.
  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling Application Activity Logging

Configure application activity logging for all applications on the instance.

To configuring application activity logging:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Scroll down to Monitoring.
  5. For Application Activity Logging, select one of the following:
    • Use Application Settings (default) - Use the Logging attribute of each application to determine if activity is logged.

    • Never - Disable activity logging for all applications in the instance.

    • Always - Enable activity logging for all applications in the instance.

    • Initially Disabled for New Applications and Productivity Applications - Application logging disabled for new applications and productivity or sample applications.

  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling Web Service Activity Logging

Configure web service activity logging for all workspaces on the instance.

To configuring web service activity logging:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Scroll down to Monitoring.
  5. For Web Service Activity Logging, select one of the following:
    • Use Application Settings (default) - Use the Web Service Logging attribute of each workspace to determine if activity is logged.

    • Never - Disable web service activity logging for all workspaces in the instance.

    • Always - Enable web service activity logging for all workspaces in the instance.

  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling Application Tracing

Control application tracing at the instance-level.

Instance administrators can control whether developers or users can generate database trace files simply by specifying &p_trace=YES on the URL when displaying a page. The ability to generate a trace file is already controlled if Debug is enabled for the application.

To control application tracing at the instance-level:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Scroll down to Monitoring.
  5. From Enable Application Tracing, select:
    • Yes - Any application which has Debug enabled can also generate a server-side database trace file for a page using &p_trace=YES on the URL. To learn more, see "Enabling SQL Tracing and Using TKPROF" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide.

    • No - Tracing cannot be enabled for any application on the instance. If someone attempts to run an application with &p_trace=YES in the URL, the page renders but the request to generate the SQL trace file is silently ignored.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

See Also:

"Monitoring Activity Across a Development Instance" and "Available Parameter Values" in Oracle Application Express API Reference to learn about the TRACING_ENABLED parameter Enabling REST for an Instance

Control the ability to create and access RESTful Services for an instance.


RESTful Services requires that the web listener in your configuration uses Oracle REST Data Services release 2.0 or later.

To enable RESTful Services:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Sign in to Oracle Application Express.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Under REST, enter the following attributes:

    Table 2-2 REST Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Enable RESTful Services

    Controls the ability to create and access RESTful Services mapped to SQL and PL/SQL.

    Swagger UI URL

    Defines a URL pointing to the SWAGGER UI 2.0+ server used by the ORDS REST Workshop when generating documentation for a module. If a URL is specified, the URI to the web service's swagger documentation is passed to the Swagger UI server. If a there is no URL specified, raw JSON is produced.

    Note: In order to generate the documentation the Swagger UI server must be able to reach the referenced web service URI.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

See Also: Enabling Service Requests

Determine if workspace administrators to make service requests from Workspace Administration.

Controls the ability for workspace administrators to make service requests from Workspace Administration. Service Requests include the ability to request a new schema, request storage, or request termination of their workspace.

To enable service requests:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.
  4. Scroll down to Workspace Administration.
  5. For Enable Service Requests, select Yes.
  6. Click Apply Changes. Enabling Instance-level Support for File Upload in Team Development

Control whether Team Development supports file upload.

To enable support for file upload in Team Development for an instance:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.

  2. Click Manage Instance.

  3. Under Instance Settings, click Feature Configuration.

  4. Under Team Development:

    1. Enable Team Development's File Repository - Specify whether to enable file upload in Team Development:

      • Yes - Select Yes for all new workspaces created in this instance to allow files to be uploaded into the Team Development file repository. Select No for all new workspaces created in this instance to not allow files to be uploaded into the Team Development file repository.

      • No - Select No to disable support for file attachments in Team Development.


      These settings do not affect existing workspaces.

    2. Maximum File Size (in MB) - Select the maximum file size for any file uploaded into the team development file repository. The default value is 15 MB.

  5. Click Apply Changes.