Changes in This Release

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Application Express Release 19.1

The following are changes in Oracle Application Express API Reference for Oracle Application Express release 19.1.

New Features

The following features are new in this release:


    This is a new package contains the implementation for the file parser in APEX. APEX_DATA_PARSER supports XML, JSON, CSV and XLSX files.

    DISCOVER Function - This is a function to discover the column profile of a file.

    GET_COLUMNS Function - This function returns the columns of a parser profile as a table in order to be consumed by APEX components.

    GET_FILE_PROFILE Function - This function returns the current file profile in JSON format.

    GET_FILE_TYPE Function -This function returns a file type, based on a file name extension.

    GET_XLSX_WORKSHEETS Function - This function returns information on worksheets within an XLSX workbook as a list of apex_t_parser_worksheet instances.

    JSON_TO_PROFILE Function - This function converts a file profile in JSON format to an instance of the t_file_profile record type.

    PARSE Function - This is the main parser function. It allows to parse XML, XLSX, CSV or JSON files and returns a generic table

  • APEX_EXEC (Updates)

    Added functions and procedures

    GET_DATA_TYPE Functions - This function converts the t_data_type constant into the VARCHAR2 representation . Converts a data type VARCHAR2 representation to the t_data_type constant.

    ADD_DML_ROW Procedure - This procedure adds one row to the DML context.

    CLEAR_DML_ROWS Procedure - This procedure clears all DML rows which have been added with add_dml_rows.

    COPY_DATA Procedure - This procedure fetches all rows from the source context and writes to the target context.

    EXECUTE_DML Procedure - This procedure executes the DML context.

    GET_FUNCTIONS - This function retrieves column values for different data types.

    GET_DML_STATUS_CODE Function - This function returns the SQL status code of the last context execution, for the current row.

    GET_DML_STATUS_MESSAGE Function - This function returns the SQL status message of the last context execution, for the current row.

    GET_ROW_VERSION_CHECKSUM Function - This function returns the row version checksum for the current row.

    HAS_ERROR Function - This function returns the when DML execution led to an error and false, when not.

    OPEN_LOCAL_DML_CONTEXT Function - This function opens a DML context based for a local database.

    OPEN_REMOTE_DML_CONTEXT Function - This function opens a DML context based for a remote database.

    OPEN_WEB__SOURCE_DML_CONTEXT Function - This function opens a DML context based for a web source module.

    SET_NULL Procedure - This procedure sets procedures to set a DML column value to NULL.

    SET_VALUE Procedure - This procedure sets DML column values for different data types.

    SET_VALUES Procedure - This procedure sets all column values in the DML context with corresponding column values from the source (query) context.

    SET_ROW_VERSION_CHECKSUM Procedure - This procedure sets the row version checksum to use for lost update detection for the current DML row.

  • APEX_SESSION (Updates)

    Added a new procedure.

    CREATE_SESSION Procedure - This procedure creates a new session for the given application, set environment and run the application's Initialization PL/SQL Code.


    Added new functions.

    DB_SIGNATURE Function -This function computes the current database signature value.

    IS_DB_SIGNATURE_VALID - This function returns whether the instance parameter DB_SIGNATURE matches the value of the function db_signature.

    Available Parameter Values (Updates) - Added a new parameter DB_SIGNATURE,INSTANCE_NO_PROXY_DOMAINS,HEADER_AUTH_CALLBACK, and SOCIAL_AUTH_CALLBACK.

  • APEX_STRING (Updates)

    Added procedures and functions

    PLIST_PUSH procedure - This procedure appends key/value to the property list, without looking for duplicates.

    PUSH Procedure Signature 4 - This procedure appends values of a PL/SQL table to apex_t_varchar2 table.

    STRING_TO_TABLE Function - This function returns the split input at separator, returning a vc_arr2.

    TABLE_TO_STRING Function - This function returns the values of the apex_application_global.vc_arr2 input table p_table as a concatenated varchar2, separated by p_sep.

    GET_SEARCHABLE_PHRASES Function - This function returns distinct phrases of 1-3 consecutive lower case words in the input strings.

    Updated PLIST_DELETE, PUSH Signature1, and PUSH Signature 2.


    Added a procedure

    CALLBACK 1 Procedure - This procedure is the landing resource for OAuth2-based authentication schemes.

  • APEX_UTIL (Updates)

    Added a function

    IS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_VALID Function - This function returns a Boolean result based on the validity of the password for a named user account in the current workspace.

Deprecated and Desupported Features

See Deprecated Features and Desupported Features in Oracle Application Express Release Notes.