1.2.5 Signing In When Workspace Requests Is Enabled

Signing into a workspace requires you first request a workspace and then sign into it.


This information does not apply to Oracle Database Cloud Services.

If your administrator has enabled workspace requests, signing in to a workspace requires the following steps. First, you request a workspace using a link on the Sign In page. Second, your administrator approves the request and the system send you an email with your sign in credentials. Third, you sign in to your workspace.


Before users can request a workspace or change their passwords, an Oracle Application Express administrator must configure Oracle Application Express environment preferences.

See Also:

"Managing Environment Settings" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Requesting a Workspace from the Sign In Page

Learn how to request for a Workspace from the Oracle Application Express Sign In page.


Before a user can request a workspace from the Sign In page, your Oracle Application Express administrator must configure Oracle Application Express to support workspace requests.

To request a workspace from the Sign In page:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Oracle Application Express Sign In page.

    The Sign In page appears.

  2. Under Workspace, click Request a Workspace.

    The Request Service Wizard appears.

  3. Select the type of workspace. Options include:
    • Application Development

    • Productivity Apps Only

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

See Also:

"Creating Workspaces" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Signing In To a Workspace

Learn how to sign into application upon approval from Oracle Application Express administrator for a workspace request.

After an Oracle Application Express administrator approves a workspace request, an e-mail arrives with your login credentials (that is, the workspace name, user name, and password).

If your administrator selected Email Verification as the automated method for handling new workspace requests, you might first receive an email containing a verification link. This step ensures that your email is a valid one before the workspace request is approved.

To sign in to Oracle Application Express:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Oracle Application Express Login page provided in your workspace request email.
  2. On the Sign In page:
    • In the Workspace field, enter the name of your workspace.

    • In the Username field, enter your user name.

    • In the Password field, enter your case-sensitive password.

  3. Click Sign In.

    The workspace home page appears.


Depending on your setup, you might be required to change your password when you sign in for the first time.

See Also:

"Creating Workspaces" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Signing Out of a Workspace

Learn how to sign out of an Oracle Application Express workspace.

To sign out of an Oracle Application Express workspace:

  • Select the Account Menu in the upper right corner of the window and click Sign out.

See Also:

"Account Menu" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide Recovering Your Workspace Name

Recover your workspace name.

If you cannot remember your workspace name, you can request a list of all workspace names associated with your email address.

To find your workspace name:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Oracle Application Express Sign In page.

    The Sign In page appears.

  2. On the Sign In page, click Reset Password.
  3. Click Find My Workspace.
  4. Enter your email address and click Find Workspace.

    You will receive an email listing all workspaces associated with the email address you provided. Resetting Your Password from the Sign In Page

Reset your password from the Sign In page.


To reset your password from the Sign In page, you must provide your email address and workspace name.

To reset your password from the Sign In Page:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Oracle Application Express Sign In page.

    The Sign In page appears.

  2. Under Sign in, click Reset Password.
  3. Enter your email address and workspace name, and click Reset Password.

    You will receive an email containing new passwords for all accounts associated with the email address and workspace name you provided.

  4. On the Sign In page, enter your workspace, username, and the new password and click Sign In.


    Passwords are case sensitive. Do not copy and paste the new password.

  5. On Change Password, enter:
    1. Current Password - Enter the current password provided by the email.
    2. New Password - Enter your new password.
    3. Confirm Password - Enter your new password again.
    4. Click Apply Changes.