Changes in This Release

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Application Express Release 19.2

All content in Oracle Application Express API Reference has been updated to reflect release 19.2 functionality.

New Features and Updates

The following topics have been added or updated for this release:


    • GET_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME Function - This new function retrieves the authentication scheme name that should override the default.

    • GET_BUILD_STATUS Function - This new function retrieves the build status that should override the default.

    • GET_INFO Function - This new function retrieves install information from a source file.

    • REMOVE_APPLICATION Procedure - This new procedure removes an application from a workspace.

    • SET_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME Procedure - This new procedure overrides the active authentication scheme for the applications that are about to be installed.

    • SET_BUILD_STATUS Function - This new function overrides the build status for applications that are about to be installed.

    • Import Data Types - Describes import data types used by the APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL package.


  • APEX_CREDENTIAL package (Updates)
    • SET_PERSISTENT_CREDENTIALS Procedure Signature 1 added p_namespace and p_fingerprint parameters.
    • SET_SESSION_CREDENTIALS Procedure Signature 2 added p_namespace and p_fingerprint parameters.


  • APEX_DATA_PARSER Package (Update)

    • Parse Function - This function has been extended to include support for CLOBs. See PARSE Function.


  • APEX_LANG Package (Updates)

    • CREATE_MESSAGE Procedure - This new procedure creates a translatable text message for the specified application.

    • DELETE_MESSAGE Procedure - This new procedure deletes a translatable text message in the specified application.

    See "APEX_LANG."

  • APEX_JSON Package (Updates)

    • WRITE_CONTEXT Procedure - This new procedure writes an array with all rows that the context handle returns. Each row is a separate object.

    • WRITE Procedure Signature 19 - This new procedure procedure writes a BLOB object attribute. The value will be Base64-encoded.

    See "APEX_JSON."

  • APEX_REGION Package (Update)

    • OPEN_QUERY_CONTEXT Function - This new function opens a query context and executes the provided SQL query on the ORDS REST Enabled SQL instance.

    See "APEX_REGION."

  • APEX_WEB_SERVICE Package (Updates)

    • OAUTH_AUTHENTICATE Procedure Signature 1 - This procedure was incorrectly described as a function in previous release.

    • OAUTH_AUTHENTICATE Procedure Signature 2 - This new procedure performs OAUTH autentication and requests an OAuth access token.


  • APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN Package (Updates)


    • VALIDATE_EMAIL_CONFIG Procedure - This new procedure validates the email server parameters configured in an Application Express instance.


Deprecated and Desupported Features

See Deprecated Features and Desupported Features in Oracle Application Express Release Notes.