3.7.3 Adding a Filter

Create row and column filters on an interactive report. About Creating Filters

You can create a filter on an interactive report by adding or modifying the WHERE clause on the query.

You can create two types of filters:

  • Column - Creates a custom column filter. Select a column, select a standard Oracle operator (=, !=, not in, between), and enter an expression to compare against. Expressions are case sensitive. Use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard. Note that the selected column does not need to be one that currently displays. For example:

    STATE_NAME like A%
  • Row - Creates a custom row filter. This filter creates a complex WHERE clauses using column aliases and any Oracle functions or operators. For example:

     G = 'VA' or G = 'CT'

    Where G is the alias for CUSTOMER_STATE. Adding, Editing, and Removing a Column Filter

Use the Actions menu to add, edit, or remove a column filter in an interactive report.

To add a column filter:

  1. Click the Actions menu and select Filter.
    The Filter dialog appears.
  2. For Filter Type, select Column.
  3. In the Filter region, specify a column, an operator, and an expression and click Apply.

    Notice the filter that displays in the Report Settings area above the report. You can show or hide the filter details by clicking the arrow to the left of the filter name.

To revise the filter:

  1. Click the filter name (in this example, Project = 'Discussion Forum').
  2. Edit your selections and click Apply.
  3. To disable the filter, select the Enable/Disable Filter check box.
  4. To delete the filter, click Remove Filter. Adding, Editing, and Removing a Row Filter

Use the Actions menu to add, edit, or remove a row filter in an interactive report.

To add a row filter:

  1. Click the Actions menu and select Filter.
    The Filter dialog appears.
  2. For Filter Type, select Row.
  3. In the Filter dialog:
    1. Name - Enter a name that describes this filter.
    2. Filter Expression - Enter an expression. Select a column and function or operator at the bottom of the region. For example, I >=2500 displays projects costing more than $2,500.
    3. Click Apply.
      Notice the filter that displays in the Report Settings area above the report. You can show or hide the filter details by clicking the arrow to the left of the filter name.
  4. To revise the filter:
    1. Click the filter name.
    2. Edit your selections and click Apply.
  5. To disable the filter, select the Enable/Disable Filter check box.
  6. To delete the filter, click Remove Filter.