5.6 Using the Script Editor

You use the Script Editor to add content to a new script, to edit existing scripts, and to run and delete scripts in the script repository.

5.6.1 Editing an Existing Script

Learn how to edit an existing SQL script.

To edit a SQL script:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Scripts.

    The SQL Scripts page appears.

  2. You can load a script into the editor as follows:
    • In Icons view, click the script icon.

    • In Report view, click the Edit icon.

    The Script Editor appears.

  3. Edit the script.

    Note that new lines are automatically indented to the previous line start column. Other features of the Script Editor include:

    • Undo - Use to undo the last edit.

    • Redo - Use to reapply the last undone edit.

    • Find - Click the Find icon (which resembles a magnifying glass) to perform a basic search.

    • Replace - Click the Replace icon (which resembles a two-sided arrow) to replace existing code.

    • Cut, Copy, and Paste - Use standard edit controls to cut, copy and paste content in the Script Editor.

    • Auto Complete - Click the Auto Complete icon to complete the command.

  4. Click Apply Changes to save your script.

    The SQL Scripts page appears.

You can test your script during editing by running the script to reveal errors.

5.6.2 Script Editor Controls

Controls and buttons available within the Script Editor.

Table 5-1 describes the buttons and controls available within the Script Editor

Table 5-1 Buttons and Controls within the Script Editor

Button Descriptions


Cancel the editing session and exit the Script Editor without saving changes made since the last save.


Saves a copy of the current script to your local file system. Enter a name for the script on your local file system and a directory path.


Removes the current script from the Script Repository.


Saves the currently script. Save is disabled if you edit the Script Name. Instead use Apply Changes.

Create App

Launches the Create App Wizard based on the table. Only works with scripts that add tables to the schema.


You must run the script that adds tables to the schema first.

Apply Changes

Saves the script and returns to the SQL Scripts report.


Submits the script for execution.

Undo (Ctrl+Z)

Removes, or undoes, the most recent line edit made in the Script Editor.

Redo (Ctrl+Y)

Repeats the most recent line edit made in the Script Editor.

Find (Ctrl+F)

Click the Find icon (which resembles a magnifying glass) to perform a basic search.

Replace (Ctrl+Shift+F)

Click the Replace icon (which resembles a two-sided arrow) to replace existing code.