25.1.6 Managing Bugs

Track bugs (or software defects) associated with your application. You can assign bugs to developers, associate bugs with milestones, or track bugs by due date, status, and other attributes. Viewing Bugs

To view bugs:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.
    The Bugs Dashboard appears and displays an overview of known software defects.
  3. Click the Report tab.
    The Bugs Report page appears. Customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.
  4. To edit a bug, click the bug title. Creating a Bug

To create a bug:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.
    The Bugs Dashboard appears.
  3. Click Create Bug.
  4. Fill in the appropriate fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

    To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

  5. To add new values to editable select lists, enter a value in the field with the title New.

    For example, to add a name to the Assigned To list, enter a value in New Assignee.

  6. Click Create Bug. Editing a Bug

To edit a bug:

  1. Access Team Development:
    1. Click the Issues menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.
    The Bugs Dashboard appears and displays an overview of known software defects.
  3. Click the Report tab.
    The Bugs Report page appears. Customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.
  4. Select a bug.
  5. Edit the appropriate fields.

    To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

  6. Click Apply Changes. Managing Files Attached to a Bug

If enabled at the workspace-level, you can attach files to a bug.

See Also:

"Downloading File Attachments" and "Enabling Support for File Upload in Team Development" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide. Attaching a File to a Bug

To use this feature, you must set the Enable File Repository attribute to Yes in Administration, Manage Service, Set Workspace Preferences.

To attach a file to a bug:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.
    The Bugs Dashboard appears and displays an overview of known software defects.
  3. Click the Report tab.
    The Bugs Report page appears. Customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.
  4. Click the bug title.
  5. Under Actions, click Add File.
  6. In Add File:
    1. File - Locate the file to be uploaded.
    2. Description - Enter a description of the file.
    3. Click Add File.
    A new region, called Files, displays at the bottom of the page. Viewing, Editing, and Removing Attached Files

To manage attached files:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.
    The Bugs Dashboard appears and displays an overview of known software defects.
  3. Click the Report tab.
    The Bugs Report page appears. Customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.
  4. To edit a bug, click the bug title.
  5. Scroll down to Files.
  6. Click View and Manage Files.
    The Files page appears.
  7. To download the file, click the name.
  8. To edit the file description:
    1. Click the Edit icon.
    2. Update the description and click Apply Changes.
  9. To delete an attached file:
    1. Click the Edit icon.
    2. Click Delete. When prompted, confirm your selection. Viewing Other Bug Reports

Click the tabs at the top of the Bugs page to view other reports including Calendar, By Developer, and By Day. Viewing the Bug Calendar

To view the Bug Calendar:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.

    The Bugs Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Calendar tab.
    The Calendar appears.
  4. Controls at the top of the page include:
    • Show - Restrict the report to include open or closed comments.
    • Release - Selects a new release. Make a selection from the Release list and click Set.
    • Assigned To - Constrains the report to display only bugs associated with the selected developer. Select a developer and click Set.
    • Reset - Resets the Calendar to the default view.
    • Create Bug - Creates a new bug.
    • Previous/Next - View to the previous month or the next month.
    • Month - View the calendar by month.
    • List - View the calendar entries in a list format by day. Viewing the Bugs By Developer

To view the Bugs By Developer:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.

    The Bugs Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the By Developer tab.
    The Bugs by Developer report appears.
  4. Controls at the top of the page include:
    • Show - Restrict the report to include open or closed comments.
    • Release - Selects a new release. Make a selection from the Release list and click Set.
    • Reset - Resets the Calendar to the default view.
    • Create Bug - Creates a new bug. Viewing the Bugs By Day

To view the Bugs By Day:

  1. Access Legacy Team Development:
    1. Click the Team Development menu and select Utilities.
    2. On the Utilities page, click Legacy Team Development (Deprecated).
  2. Click the Bugs icon.

    The Bugs Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the By Day tab.
    The Bugs by Developer report appears.
  4. Controls at the top of the page include:
    • Release - Selects a new release. Make a selection from the Release list and click Set.
    • Reset - Resets the Calendar to the default view.
    • Create Bug - Creates a new bug.