1.4.2 Understanding the App Builder Home Page

Use App Builder to create new applications, select an application to edit, import previously exported applications, view the Dashboard, or access workspace utilities.


In a new workspace, the bottom of the page displays two additional regions. Click Create a New App to access the Create Application Wizard and create a new application. Click Install a Productivity and Sample Apps to access the App Gallery page and install a Productivity and Sample App and load sample data. Once you create an application or install a sample or productivity application, these regions no longer appear. App Builder Home Page Icons and Navigation Bar

The top of the App Builder home page features four large icons (Create, Import, Dashboard, and Workspace Utilities) and the bottom of the page displays all currently installed applications.

About App Builder Home Page Icons

The top of App Builder home page contains four large icons:

  • Create. Launches the Create Application Wizard. Use the Create Application Wizard to build a complete application containing multiple pages.

  • Import. Launches the Import Wizard. Use this wizard to import export files from the export repository.

  • Dashboard. Links to the App Builder Dashboard which displays metrics about applications in the current workspace.

  • Workspace Utilities. Use the Workspace Utilities page to manage App Builder Defaults, news items, workspace themes, application groups, Application Express views, application exports, credentials, REST Enabled SQL services, Remote Server objects, and cross application reports.

About the Navigation Bar

The bottom of App Builder home page displays all installed applications. You can customize how the applications display using the navigation bar in the center of page.

Available controls include:

  • Select columns to search - This field contains a magnifying glass icon. Click this icon to narrow your search to only specific columns. To search all columns, select All Columns.

  • Text area - Enter case insensitive search criteria (wildcard characters are implied) and click Go.

  • Go button - Executes a search or applies a filter.

  • View Icons (default) - Displays each application as a large icon identified by the application name.

  • View Report - Displays each application as a line in a report. Each line includes the application ID, the application name, when the application was last updated, the page count, and who last updated the application.

  • Actions menu - Displays the Actions menu. Use this menu to customize the report view.


In a new workspace, the bottom of the App Builder home page displays two regions: Create a New App and Install a Productivity or Sample App. Click Install a Productivity or Sample App to access the App Gallery page and install a Productivity and Sample App and load sample data. utilities. Once you create an application or install a packaged application, these regions disappear. Reset and Create Buttons

The Reset and Create buttons display in the center of the page to the right of the navigation bar.

Use the Reset and Create buttons as follows:

  • Click Reset to return the page to the default display.

  • Click Create to create a new application, create an application based on a spreadsheet, install a productivity app, create a Websheet app, launch Quick SQL, or copy an application. Recent List, Tasks List, and Migrations Link

The App Builder home page feature three regions on the right side of the page: Recent, Tasks, and Migrations.


The Recent region contains links to recently viewed applications.


The Tasks region displays on the middle of the right side of the page and features the following links:

  • Create Application From Spreadsheet - Load spreadsheet data from a spreadsheet by importing it from a file as comma separated (*.csv) or tab delimited file, or by copying and pasting tab delimited data. Once you approve a page preview, the wizard loads the data into the database, creates a report and form on the data, and then displays the Create Application Wizard to complete the application creation process.

  • Install Sample App - Click the link and select a sample application to install in your workspace.

  • Install Productivity Links - Click the link and select a productivity application to install in your workspace.


The Migrations region displays on the bottom of the right side of the page. Click the Migrations link to access the Oracle Application Express Application Migration Workshop. Use Migration Workshop to migrate a Microsoft Access application or convert an Oracle Forms application to an Oracle Application Express application. Workspace Utilities

Use the Workspace Utilities page to manage App Builder Defaults, REST Enabled SQL services, news items, Remote Server objects, application groups, Web credentials, workspace themes, application exports, Application Express views, and cross application reports.

To access Workspace Utilities, click the Workspace Utilities icon in the center of the App Builder home page.

The following table describes the links on the Workspace Utilities page. Viewing Cross Application Reports

Use the links under Cross Application Reports page to view and edit information across multiple applications in the current workspace.

To access cross application reports:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.

    The Workspace home page appears.

  2. Click the App Builder icon.
    The App Builder home page appears.
  3. Click the Workspace Utilities icon.
  4. Locate the Cross Application Reports region on the right side of the window. Available reports include:
    • All Reports
    • Application Attributes
    • Build Options
    • Developer Comments
    • Comments Calendar
    • Application Comparison
    • Component Comparison
    • Security Profiles
    • Authentication Schemes
    • Password Items
    • Theme Summary
  5. To view all reports:
    1. Click All Reports.
    2. On the Cross Application Reports page, select a report to review.