6.12 Creating Chart Sections

You can create inline charts based upon a data grid or report.

6.12.1 Adding a Chart Section

Add a chart section to a Websheet by clicking New Section in the Create menu and selecting Chart.

To add a chart section:

  1. Run the Websheet application.
  2. Create a data grid or report.
  3. From the Create menu, select New Section.
  4. When prompted for the section type, select Chart and click Next.
  5. On Select Chart Type:
    1. Select one of the following:
      • Column

      • Horizontal Bar

      • Pie

      • Line

    2. Click Next.
  6. Specify the following:
    1. Chart Source - Select either Data Grid or Report.
    2. Display Sequence - Enter the section display sequence.
    3. Data Grid/Report - Select the data grid or report to be used to display the chart.
    4. Report Settings to Use - For the selected data grid or report, select the report settings to use. Use this option to filter the rows and columns you want to display.
      If you do not have a saved report with the settings you need, then create it now before adding the section.
    5. Section Title - Enter the section title.
    6. Click Next.
  7. Specify the following:
    1. Chart Label - Select the column to be used as the Label.
      In Axis Title for Label, enter the title to display on the axis associated with the column selected for Label.
    2. Chart Value - Select the column to be used as the Value. If your function is a COUNT, a Value does not need to be selected.
      In Axis Title for Value, enter the title to display on the axis associated with the column selected for Value.
    3. Function - Select a function to be performed on the column selected for Value.
    4. Sort - Select the chart sort direction.
      Check Enable 3D to display the chart in 3D.
    5. Click Next.
  8. On the summary page, confirm your selections and click Create Section.

6.12.2 Editing a Chart Section

Edit a chart section in a Websheet by clicking its adjacent Edit icon.

To edit a chart section:

  1. Run the Websheet application.
  2. Click the Edit icon that displays in the upper right of the section.
    The Edit Section page appears.
  3. Edit the fields provided. See item Help for more details.
  4. Click Apply Changes.