13.3.10 Button Templates

Customize the look and feel of a button using button templates. Button templates are optional. Button Template Attributes

You can use multiple images or HTML tags to build a button. This section describes common button template attributes. Name

Template Name identifies the name of the template. Use the Translatable check box to indicate if the template contains text strings that require translation. Theme indicates the theme to which the template is a member.

Template Class identifies a specific use for the template. When you switch to a theme, all templates in one theme are mapped to corresponding templates in another theme. App Builder accomplishes this template mapping through the assignment of a template class. Definition

Normal Template defines the button template that displays if the button type is Normal. For example, &ITEM_NAME. values can be substituted at rendering time. Hot Template defines the button template that displays if the button type is Hot. You have the option of including standard application substitutions. For example, &ITEM_NAME. values can be substituted at rendering time.

To learn more about supported substitution strings, see field-level Help.


All substitution string must be in uppercase. Substitution Strings

Substitution strings are used within subtemplates to reference component values.Table 13-10 describes the available button template substitution strings.


All template substitution strings must be in uppercase letters and begin and end with a number sign (#). To view a report of substitution strings supported by a given template, see the Substitution Stings section of the Edit Page Template page.

Table 13-10 Button Template Substitution Strings

Referenced From Substitution String Description

Hot Template


Button attributes.

Hot Template


Button CSS classes.

You must include the #BUTTON_CSS_CLASSES# string for templates that have template options defined. The #BUTTON_CSS_CLASSES# string is where the corresponding template option classes are injected at runtime.

Hot Template


Generated button ID will be either the button's Static ID if defined, or if not will be an internally generated ID in the format 'B' || [Internal Button ID].

Hot Template


Icon CSS classes.

Hot Template


Used in an onclick attribute.

Hot Template


Button label.

Hot Template


To be used in a href attribute.



Button attributes.



Button CSS classes.

You must include the #BUTTON_CSS_CLASSES# string for templates that have template options defined. The #BUTTON_CSS_CLASSES# string is where the corresponding template option classes are injected at runtime.



Generated button ID will be either the button's Static ID if defined, or if not will be an internally generated ID in the format 'B' || [Internal Button ID].



Icon CSS classes.



Used in an onclick attribute.



Button label.



To be used in a href attribute.