18.3 Managing Application Settings

Create Application Settings to define application-level configuration options.


You also use the APEX_APP_SETTING API to access application settings. See APEX_APP_SETTING in Oracle Application Express API Reference.

18.3.1 Creating an Application Setting

Create an Application Settings. Application Settings enable developers to define application level configuration options.

To create an Application Setting:

  1. Navigate to the Shared Components page:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select an application.
    3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.

      The Shared Components page appears.

  2. Under Application Logic, select Application Settings.
  3. Click Create Setting.
  4. On Application Setting:
    1. Name - Enter a descriptive name for this application setting.
    2. Value - Enter the default value for this application setting.
    3. Value Required - Select whether this Application Setting requires a value. Select On or Off.
    4. Valid Values - Enter comma separated valid values. If defined, Application Express only accepts valid values when the settings change.
    5. On Upgrade Keep Value - Select whether the application setting value in the deployed application should be kept, or overwritten with the specified value when the application is upgraded. Selecting On to keep the deployed value is useful if the application supports application setting configuration (using the APEX_APP_SETTING.SET_VALUE API) to change the application setting value in the deployed application, and where you want to respect those values upon upgrade.
    6. Comments - Enter comments that describe this setting.
  5. Click Create Application Setting.

    The new Application Setting displays on the Application Settings page.

18.3.2 Editing or Deleting Application Setting

Edit or delete an existing setting on the Application Settings page.

To edit or delete an Application Setting:

  1. Navigate to the Shared Components page:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select an application.
    3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.

      The Shared Components page appears.

  2. Under Application Logic, select Application Settings..
    The Application Settings page appears.
  3. To edit an existing setting:
    1. Select the setting.
      The Application Setting dialog appears.
    2. Edit the appropriate attributes.
      To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.
    3. Click Apply Changes.
  4. To delete an existing setting:
    1. Select the setting.
      The Application Setting dialog appears.
    2. Click Delete.