19.6 Managing Web Credentials

Manage secure credentials to connect to REST Enabled SQL or other REST services.

19.6.1 About Credentials

Use Credentials to connect to REST Enabled SQL or other external REST services. Oracle Application Express securely stores and encrypts these credentials for use by Application Express components. Credentials cannot be retrieved back in clear text. Credentials are stored at the workspace-level and therefore are visible in all applications.

Exporting and Importing Credentials

When you export an application, used credentials are added to the export file. When you import the application into another workspace, Application Express checks whether the target workspace already contains credentials with the same static ID. If a credential already exists, the application uses it. Otherwise the credential from the import file is created in the target workspace.

19.6.2 Creating Web Credentials

You can create credentials from either Workspace Utilities or Shared Components.

To create credentials:

  1. Navigate to the Web Credentials page:
    • From Workspace Utilities:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Click Workspace Utilities.

      3. Click Web Credentials.

    • From Shared Components:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Select an application.

      3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components in the center of the page.

      4. Under Security, select Web Credentials.

  2. On the Web Credentials page, click Create.
  3. Configure the Attributes on the Web Credentials page.
  4. For Name - Enter a descriptive name.
  5. Authentication Type - Select one of the following:
    • Basic Authentication
    • OAuth2 Client Credentials
  6. Client ID or User Name - Select one of the following:
    • For Basic Authentication, enter the user name.
    • For OAuth2 Client Credentials,  enter the client ID.
    This information is not be encrypted.
  7. Client Secret or Password - Enter the password or OAuth2 Client Secret.
    This information will be stored encrypted and cannot be retrieved in clear text.
  8. Verify Client Secret or Password - Enter the password or client secret again to verify your input. When the two values are not identical, an error message displays.
  9. Prompt On Install - Choose whether prompts for this credential display when the application is imported on another Oracle Application Express instance.
  10. Comments - Enter any comments or notes here. These comments never display when running the application.
  11. Click Create.

19.6.3 Editing or Deleting Credentials

To edit credentials:

  1. Navigate to the Web Credentials page:
    • From Workspace Utilities:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Click Workspace Utilities.

      3. Click Web Credentials.

    • From Shared Components:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Select an application.

      3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components in the center of the page.

      4. Under Security, select Web Credentials.

  2. On the Web Credentials page, select the credential name.
  3. To delete the credentials, click Delete. Otherwise, edit the appropriate attributes.


    A credential cannot be deleted when it is being referenced somewhere in the workspace.

  4. To edit the attributes:
    1. Name - Enter a descriptive name.
    2. Authentication Type - Select a type:
      • Basic Authentication

      • OAuth2 Client Credentials

    3. Client ID or User Name: For Basic Authentication, enter the user name. For OAuth2, enter the client ID. This information will not be encrypted.
    4. Client Secret or Password - Enter the password or OAuth2 Client Secret.
      This information is stored encrypted and cannot be retrieved in clear text.
    5. Verify Client Secret or Password - Enter the password or client secret again to verify your input. When the two values are not identical, an error message displays.
    6. Prompt on Install - Choose whether prompts for this credential display when the application is imported on another Application Express instance. Since credentials are not part of an application export file, Application Express always generates prompts after install, when the client ID or username is not empty.
    7. Comments - Enter any comments or notes. These comments only display within App Builder and never display when running the application.
    8. To save your changes, click Apply Changes.

19.6.4 Viewing Credential Utilization

To view Web credential utilization:

  1. Navigate to the Web Credentials page:
    • From Workspace Utilities:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Click Workspace Utilities.

      3. Click Web Credentials.

    • From Shared Components:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Select an application.

      3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components in the center of the page.

      4. Under Security, select Web Credentials.

  2. On the Web Credentials page, click Utilization.
    The top of the Utilization page displays used credentials, the associated component type, and the component name. Unused credentials display at the bottom of the page.
  3. To delete unused credentials, click Delete Unused.

19.6.5 Viewing Credential History

To view recent modifications to Web credentials:

  1. Navigate to the Web Credentials page:
    • From Workspace Utilities:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Click Workspace Utilities.

      3. Click Web Credentials.

    • From Shared Components:
      1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.

      2. Select an application.

      3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components in the center of the page.

      4. Under Security, select Web Credentials.

  2. On the Web Credentials page, click History.
    The History page displays recent modifications made to Credentials in the current workspace.