5.5 Managing Milestones

Create and update issues milestones to track events.

If you completed the setup process, you can view sample milestones clicking the Team Development menu and selecting Milestones.

See Also:

"Setting Milestones"

5.5.1 Creating Milestones

Create milestones by clicking Create on the Milestones page.

To create a milestone:

  1. Click the Team Development menu and then select Milestones.
  2. On the Milestones page, click Create Milestone.
  3. On the Milestone page:
    1. Milestone Name - Enter a unique name for the milestone.
    2. Slug - A unique string identifier for the milestone that will be used in URLs.
    3. Date - Select a date for the milestone.
    4. Milestone Status - Select Open or Closed.
    5. Description - Enter a description of the milestone.
  4. Click Create.

5.5.2 Editing and Deleting Milestones

Edit or delete an existing milestone by selecting the milestone name on the Milestones page.

To edit or delete a milestone:

  1. Click the Team Development menu and then select Milestones.

    The Milestones page appears.

  2. To edit a milestone:
    1. On the Milestones page, click the milestone name.
    2. Click Edit Milestone.
    3. On the Milestone page:
      • Milestone Name - Enter a unique name for the milestone.

      • Slug - A unique string identifier for the milestone that will be used in URLs.

      • Date - Select a date for the milestone.

      • Milestone Status - Select Open or Closed.

      • Description - Enter a description of the milestone.

    4. Click Apply Changes.
  3. To delete a milestone:
    1. On the Milestones page, click the milestone name.
    2. Click Edit Milestone.
    3. Click Delete.
    4. In the confirmation dialog, confirm the deletion by clicking OK.