3.4 Choosing a Web Listener

In order to run, Oracle Application Express must have access to a Web listener.

3.4.1 About Choosing a Web Listener

Oracle Application Express supports the following Web listeners: Oracle REST Data Services, Oracle HTTP Server, and Embedded PL/SQL gateway.


Oracle recommends using Oracle REST Data Services. Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql and Embedded PL/SQL gateway have been deprecated and will be desupported in a future Oracle Application Express release.

The Web listener functions as a communications broker between the Web browser and the Oracle Application Express objects in the Oracle database by mapping browser requests into database stored procedure calls.

Oracle Application Express uses a simple architecture where pages are dynamically generated using metadata stored within the Oracle Database. There is no code generation or file based compilation. Once fully installed, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is defined for both developers and end users to access Oracle Application Express. Users require only a Web browser and the required URL. No additional client software is required.

3.4.2 Comparing Web Listener Options

Learn about comparing Web listener options for Oracle Application Express.

Table 3-2 compares Web Listener options for Oracle Application Express.

Table 3-2 Web Listener Comparisons

Capabilities Oracle REST Data Services Embedded PL/SQL Gateway Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql

Image location

File system

Within the database

File system

Configuration options

GUI interface (ORDS 3.x); Administration pages

Database initialization parameters

Database Access Descriptor (DAD)

Connection Pool settings

JDBC parameters


Min/MaxSpareServers; MaxClients

Emit RESTful Web Services

Yes (ORDS 3.x Release )



Support multi-databases

Yes, including Oracle RAC


Yes, including Oracle RAC

Virus scan files

Yes, with integration of ICAP server



Environment recommendations


Development only

Note: Deprecated in Oracle Application Express release 20.1. Will be desupported in a future release.


Note: Deprecated as of Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3). Will be desupported in a future release.

3.4.3 About Oracle REST Data Services

Oracle REST Data Services (formerly Oracle Application Express Listener) is Java-based, can be installed into any supported J2EE compliant Web Server. Oracle recommends using Oracle REST Data Services with Oracle Application Express.

It is a free tool that is fully supported against Oracle WebLogic Server and Apache Tomcat. Oracle REST Data Services is part of the reference architecture used to operate the Oracle Database Cloud Service.


There are licensing costs associated with Oracle WebLogic Server.

Using Oracle REST Data Services creates an architecture which consists of:

  • A web browser

  • Oracle REST Data Services

  • Oracle Database containing Oracle Application Express

The major advantage of this architecture is the separation of the mid-tier and the database tier.


This architecture is appropriate for Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environments.

3.4.4 About the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (Deprecated)

Oracle XML DB Protocol Server with the embedded PL/SQL gateway installs with Oracle Database.


Embedded PL/SQL gateway is deprecated and will be desupported in a future release. Oracle recommends using Oracle REST Data Services. See "Installing Application Express and Configuring Oracle REST Data Services."

Embedded PL/SQL gateway provides the Oracle database with a Web server and also the necessary infrastructure to create dynamic applications. The embedded PL/SQL gateway runs in the Oracle XML DB Protocol server in the Oracle database and includes the core features of mod_plsql.

The embedded PL/SQL gateway consists of a simple two tier architecture: a Web browser and an Oracle database containing the embedded PL/SQL gateway and Oracle Application Express.

Advantages of the embedded PL/SQL gateway include:

  • Ease of configuration

  • Included in the database

  • No separate server installation

Where Images Are Stored When Using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

When running Oracle Application Express with the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway, images are stored directly in the database within the Oracle XML DB repository. You can access images by using the WebDAV feature of Oracle XML DB or by using FTP.

Security Considerations When Using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

Oracle does not recommend the embedded PL/SQL gateway for applications running on the Internet.

The embedded PL/SQL gateway runs in the database as part of the Oracle XML DB HTTP listener. The Oracle XML DB HTTP listener and embedded PL/SQL gateway provides the equivalent core features of Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql. Because the HTTP Listener runs in the same database where Oracle Application Express is installed, it is not possible to separate the HTTP listener from the database. For this reason, Oracle does not recommend the embedded PL/SQL gateway for applications that run on the Internet. Additionally, the embedded PL/SQL gateway does not provide the same flexibility of configuration and detailed logging as Oracle REST Data Services or Oracle HTTP Server.

3.4.5 About Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql (Deprecated)

The Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) with mod_plsql can be placed on the same physical machine as the database, or on a separate physical machine.


mod_plsql is deprecated as of Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.3). For more information, see My Oracle Support Note 1576588.1. Oracle recommends using Oracle REST Data Services. See "Installing Application Express and Configuring Oracle REST Data Services."

If Oracle HTTP Server is installed on the same physical machine as the database then the Oracle HTTP Server is included as part of the limited-use license included with the Oracle Database license. Otherwise, you must obtain a separate Oracle HTTP Server license.

Using Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) with mod_plsql creates an architecture which consists of:

  • a Web browser

  • Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql

  • Oracle Database containing Oracle Application Express

This architecture separates the mid-tier and the database tier.


This architecture is appropriate for Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environments.

Where Images Are Stored When Using Oracle HTTP Server

In an Oracle HTTP Server or Oracle Application Server configuration, images are stored on the file system in the location referenced by the alias /i/. If you are upgrading Oracle Application Express from a prior release, you can locate the images directory on the file system, by reviewing the following files and searching for the text alias /i/:

  • Oracle HTTP Server distributed Oracle9i Release 2—see the httpd.conf file.

  • Oracle Application Server 10g—see the marvel.conf or dads.conf files.

  • Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g or 12c —see the marvel.conf or dads.conf files.

Specific examples for locating the text alias /i/ can be found in Copying the Images Directory.

3.4.6 Selecting a Web Listener in an Oracle RAC Environment

Oracle Application Express is supported in Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environments. Oracle recommends using Oracle REST Data Services when running Oracle Application Express in an Oracle RAC environment.

Oracle REST Data Services permits you to specify a connection in the service name format, so that one HTTP Server can access all nodes.