3.15 Monitoring Activity Across a Development Instance

Monitor all end user and developer activity for an Oracle Application Express instance.

3.15.1 Monitoring Activity

Monitor all user activity for an instance on the Monitor Activity page.

To monitor activity:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Monitor Activity.
    The Monitor Activity page appears.
  3. Click the appropriate link to view reports across all workspaces.

    The Monitor Activity page is divided into the following sections:

    • Activity Summary - View activity summaries including:

      • Top Applications - Displays a bar graph of the most active applications based on the criteria specified.

      • Top Workspaces - Displays a bar graph the most active workspaces based on the criteria specified.

      • Activity Summary - Displays an activity summary including Total page view, Active apps, Active workspaces, Workspaces approved, Workspaces purged, Total apps, Active users, and Total workspaces.

      • Productivity and Sample App Installs - Displays a bar graph of the most active productivity and sample application installs.

    • Page Views - View a Dashboard, Page Views by View, Page Views by Application and User, Page Views by Application and User, Page Views by Workspace and User, Page Views by User by Day, Page Views by Application, Page Views by Workspace, and Faceted Workspace Search.

    • Service Requests - View New Service Requests or Signup Survey activity.

    • Workspace Purge - View the Workspace Purge Dashboard, Inactive Workspaces, Workspaces Purged, Workspaces that became Active, or a Workspace Purge Log.

    • Logs - Logs incude: Mail Log, Web Service Activity Log, Jobs, Automatic Delete Log, Monitor Productivity and Sample Application Installations, and Backup Log.

    • Environment Reports - View a environment reports: Page Views by Operating System, Page Views by Browser, Page Views by User Agent, or Page Views by External Site.

    • Login Attempts - View login reports: Login Attempts or Developer Last Login.

    • Calendar Reports - View calendar reports: Workspace Last Used, Page Views by Day by Application and User, or Page Views By Hour.

    • Developer Activity - View Application Changes by Developer, Application Changes by Workspace, Native Component Utilization Chart, Native Component Utilization Report, and Data Loading Jobs.

    • Archived Activity - View archived activity reports.

3.15.2 Viewing the Signup Survey Report

View the Signup Survey report to view the survey questions, answers, and the number of responses.


To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, this functionality is not available in Application Express instances running in Oracle Cloud.
Instance administrators can also include survey questions users must complete when running the New Service Signup Wizard.

To view the Signup Survey report:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Monitor Activity.
    The Monitor Activity page appears.
  3. Under Service Requests, click the Signup Survey.

    The Signup Survey appears displaying the survey questions, answers, and the number of responses.

  4. To clear the Signup Survey report, click Reset Report.

3.15.3 Viewing the Backup Log

Monitor the performance of a backup job by reviewing the Backup Log.


To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, this functionality is not available in Application Express instances running in Oracle Cloud.

To view the Backup Log:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Monitor Activity.
    The Monitor Activity page appears.
  3. Under Logs, click the Backup Log.

    The Backup Log appears displaying when a backup job ran, the number of applications backed up by the job, and the elapsed time required to backup the applications.

    The elapsed time displays as Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds (HH:MI:SS.FF). For example, a job with a duration of 00:00:00.812 took eight-hundred-twelve milliseconds. A job with a duration of 00:02:16.956 took two minutes, 16 seconds, nine-hundred-fifty-six milliseconds.

  4. Click the Batch number to display the details.
    The Backup Log dialog appears displaying the IDs of the applications backed up in the job and the duration.
  5. To remove Backup Log data, click Truncate.
    All Backup Log information is immediately removed.

See Also: