5.3.6 Loading Quick SQL Samples

Load and view Quick SQL samples to learn about about SQL shorthand syntax. About Quick SQL Samples

Quick SQL includes the following samples.

You can load these samples by clicking either the Help or Load buttons above the Quick SQL Shorthand pane. Available Quick SQL samples include:

  • Departments and Employees - Shorthand SQL syntax creates a DEPARTMENTS and EMPLOYEES table with a SQL join VIEW. Random data is also generated using /INSERT syntax. The /NN adds a NOT NULL SQL column constraint. Indented lists are used to define tables, columns and child tables. Primary and foreign key columns are automatically added. You do not need to supply any primary or foreign key columns.

  • Employee Skills - Creates a DEPARTMENTS, EMPLOYEES, and SKILLS table using indentation to identify parent and child tables. Shorthand syntax VC255 is used to specify a SQL datatype. The /INSERT syntax is used to generate random data.

  • Product Sales - Short hand syntax that creates a star schema with PRODUCTS, CUSTOMERS, CHANNELS, PROMOTIONS, and SALES tables. The SALES table contains foreign key references to the other tables. A SQL VIEW is also created which joins all five tables. Random sample data is also generated. Numeric column are identified with NUM syntax.

  • ToDos - Creates ASSIGNEES and TODOS tables. This sample is designed as a starting point to enable the creation of a customized ToDo system within minutes. Loading a Quick SQL Sample

Access Quick SQL samples from either the Load or Help windows.

To access the Quick SQL samples:

  1. Navigate to the Quick SQL page:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the SQL Workshop icon.
    2. Click Utilities.
    3. Click Quick SQL.
  2. Access samples by clicking either the Load or Help button on the left Quick SQL Shorthand pane:
  3. To access samples from the Load window:
    1. Click Load on the Quick SQL Shorthand pane.
    2. Under Samples, choose a sample and click Load Model.
    The Sample loads on Quick SQL Shorthand pane and generated SQL is displayed in Oracle SQL Output pane.
  4. To access samples from the Help window:
    1. Click Help on the Quick SQL Shorthand pane.
    2. Click Samples in the Help window.
    3. Choose a sample and click Load Model.
    The Sample loads on Quick SQL Shorthand pane and generated SQL is displayed in Oracle SQL Output pane.