12.3.11 Legacy Calendar Templates

Control the appearance and placement of a legacy calendar using legacy calendar templates.

Calendar templates frequently use HTML tables to arrange dates. You place calendar attributes using substitution strings such as #DD# and #MONTH#. Supported Legacy Calendar Template Substitution Strings

A list of supported substitution strings appears on the right side of the Edit Calendar Template page. Note that template substitution strings must be in uppercase letters and begin and end with a number sign (#). Legacy Calendar Template Attributes

This section describes sections of the Edit Calendar Template page. Name

Name identifies the name of the template. Use the Translatable check box to indicate if the template contains text strings that require translation.Theme indicates the theme to which the template is a member.

Template Class identifies a specific use for the template. When you switch to a theme, all templates in one theme are mapped to corresponding templates in another theme. App Builder accomplishes this template mapping through the assignment of a template class. Subscription

Use Subscription to apply an existing template to the current application.

Use Reference Master Label Template From to select an existing template in this workspace or another template in your workspace's schema. By selecting an existing template, you become a subscriber to that template.

To load a copy of a master template, click Refresh. Comments

Use this attribute to record comments about this component.

Monthly Calendar, Weekly Calendar, Daily Calendar, Custom Calendar and List Calendar

Use the Monthly Calendar, Weekly Calendar, Daily Calendar, and List Calendar attributes to control the appearance and placement of specific calendars.