11.2 Switching from AnyChart to JET Chart

Convert chart pages from the legacy AnyChart format (which may no longer render in apps) to Oracle JET Chart. Oracle recommends upgrading to JET Chart wherever possible.

In a previous release, the AnyChart Flash .swf files were removed from the /images folder. This results in your charts no longer rendering. No error message displays and the region is blank.

11.2.1 Upgrading to JET Chart Using Application Upgrade Utility

Use the Application Upgrade utility to quickly upgrade AnyChart components in an application to JET Chart.

To use the Application Upgrade utility:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    The App Builder home page appears.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Utilities.
  4. Click Upgrade Application.
  5. Under Upgrade Type, review the list for one of the following messages:
    • "Upgrade AnyChart Charts to Oracle JET Charts"
    • "Upgrade Flash Charts to HTML5 Charts"
  6. If either message appears, click the adjacent number in the Candidate Objects column to view pages containing these components.
  7. Select objects to convert using the check box column and click the Upgrade button (top-right).

A success message appears, and the selected objects update and disappear from the list.

11.2.2 Searching a Workspace for AnyChart Using SQL Commands

Use SQL Commands in SQL Workshop to search a workspace for AnyChart components. Upgrade them to JET Chart or implement a workaround by manually installing a .zip file.

To locate legacy AnyChart components using SQL Commands:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the SQL Workshop icon.
    The SQL Workshop home page appears.
  2. Click SQL Commands.

Proceed through one or more of the following steps to scan your workspace for AnyChart content:

  1. (Optional) To identify pages that have AnyGantt charts:
    1. Input the following SQL statement:
      select application_id,
      from apex_application_page_flash5
      where chart_type in ('Project Gantt','Resource Gantt')
    2. Click Run.
  2. (Optional) To identify pages that have AnyChart maps:
    1. Input the following SQL statement:
      select application_id,
      from apex_application_page_flash5
      where chart_type = 'Map'
    2. Click Run.
  3. (Optional) To identify pages that have Flash-based AnyChart components:
    1. Input the following SQL statement:
      select application_id,
      from apex_application_page_flash5
      where chart_rendering = 'Flash Chart'
      and chart_type not in ('Map','Project Gantt','Resource Gantt')
    2. Click Run.

If your searches find no results, no further action is required.

  1. If you locate pages with AnyChart content, do one of the following:
    • (Recommended) Convert Flash-based AnyChart charts to Oracle JET (see "Upgrading to JET Chart Using Application Upgrade Utility").
    • As a workaround, manually install AnyChart Flash content to your instance by downloading the AnyChart Flash .zip file and following the contained README.txt. This populates the files necessary to render legacy AnyChart content in your apps. Note that this workaround may not be an option in future releases. Upgrade to Oracle JET Chart to avoid further issues.