19.3 Understanding jQuery and jQuery UI Support

Oracle Application Express includes the jQuery 3.1.1 and jQuery UI 1.12.x.

19.3.1 About Upgrading to jQuery 3.1.1

jQuery 3.1.1 breaks compatibility with earlier 2.x versions. If you application relies on removed jQuery 2.x functionality, you can use the jQuery Migrate plug-in. To include the jQuery Migrate plug-in, go to the User Interface page and set Include jQuery Migrate to On.

If your application relies on removed 1.x jQuery APIs, be aware that this functionality no longer works as of Oracle Application Express release 18.1. You must update the JavaScript to only use jQuery 3.1 APIs. See the jQuery migration guides to learn more:

19.3.2 About Upgrading to jQuery UI 1.12.x

jQuery UI 1.12.x has changed the folder structure and files that make up the library compared to jQuery UI 1.10.4. If you have direct references to any of the old file filenames, you must update them to the new name. For example, if you previously referenced the tabs widget with #JQUERYUI_DIRECTORY#ui/#MIN_DIRECTORY#jquery.ui.tabs#MIN#.js, you must change it to #JQUERYUI_DIRECTORY#ui/widgets/#MIN_DIRECTORY#tabs#MIN#.js.

The Oracle Application Express specific bundle jquery-ui-apex[.min].js that loads by default for Application Express desktop UI pages (either as jquery-ui-apex.js or as part of desktop[_all].min.js) includes all the core files, the drop effect, and the following widgets:

  • button

  • checkboxradio

  • controlgroup

  • datepicker

  • dialog

  • draggable

  • droppable

  • resizable

  • selectable

  • sortable

  • tooltip

This is essentially the same set as in 1.10.4 with the addition of sortable. If you have a separate reference to sortable, you can remove it.

The jquery-ui-apex[.min].css file loads by default and includes all the jQuery UI CSS files. If you had references to individual jQuery UI css files, you can remove them.