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Namespace: dialog



This namespace contains functions related to a dialog opened with apex.navigation.dialog. All of the functions in the apex.navigation.dialog namespace need to be run in the context of the specified dialog page.


(static) cancel(pIsModal)

Closes the dialog window.

Name Type Description
pIsModal boolean If true, then the dialog is identified as being modal. If false, then the dialog is identified as being non-modal.

This example demonstrates closing a modal dialog page

apex.navigation.dialog.cancel( true );

(static) close(pIsModal, pActionopt)

Executes an action and then closes the dialog window.

Name Type Attributes Description
pIsModal boolean If true, then the dialog is identified as being modal. If false, then the dialog is identified as being non-modal.
pAction string | function | Object <optional>
The action can be one of the following:
  • a URL which will trigger a redirect in the parent page
  • a function to redirect to a different dialog page
  • false to cancel the dialog
  • an object of page items and values which will be exposed in the apexafterclosedialog event
  • an array of page item names, the values will be gathered from the page items to create an object of page item values to be exposed in the apexafterclosedialog event

This example demonstrates chaining from one modal dialog page to another, where the pAction parameter is a function that redirects to a different modal dialog page, specified in the URL:

apex.navigation.dialog.close( true, function( pDialog ) {
            title: "About",
            height: "480",
            width: "800",
            maxWidth: "1200",
            modal: true,
            dialog: pDialog,
            resizable: false
        $( "#mybutton_static_id" ) );
} );

This example demonstrates closing a modal dialog page, and returning an array of page items, P3_EMPNO and P3_ENAME. The values from the page items can then be used by the page that launched the modal dialog, via a Dialog Closed Dynamic Action event.

apex.navigation.dialog.close( true, ["P3_EMPNO","P3_ENAME"] );

This example demonstrates closing a modal dialog page, and returning an object of page item, dialogPageId and its value of 3. The returned value can be used by the page that launched the modal dialog, via a Dialog Closed Dynamic Action event, to identify the page ID of the modal dialog that triggered the event.

apex.navigation.dialog.close( true, { dialogPageId: 3 } );

(static) fireCloseHandler(pHandler$, pAction)

Fires the internal "close" event of a dialog which was registered with the registerCloseHandler when the dialog was opened.

Name Type Description
pHandler$ jQuery A jQuery object which has been used in the call to registerCloseHandler.
pAction Object The value which is passed into the apex.navigation.dialog.close function.
  • since version 18.2

This example demonstrates a call to close a dialog page, returning an array of page items from the dialog page. The variable myTriggeringElement is used to define the triggering element of the dialog, a button named myButton. The page items P3_EMPNO and P3_ENAME are returned to the launching page. The values from the page items can then be used by the page that launched the modal dialog, via a Dialog Closed Dynamic Action event.

var myTriggeringElement;
myTriggeringElement = apex.jQuery( '#myButton' );

apex.navigation.dialog.fireCloseHandler( myTriggeringElement, ["P3_EMPNO”,”P3_ENAME”] );

(static) registerCloseHandler(pOptions)

Registers the internal "close" event of a dialog. The event will be triggered by fireCloseEvent and depending on the passed in pAction will:

  • Re-use the existing dialog and navigate to a different dialog page
  • Navigate to a different page in the caller
  • Cancel the dialog
  • Close the dialog and trigger the "apexafterclosedialog" event
Name Type Description
pOptions Object Has to contain the following attributes:
Name Type Attributes Description
handler$ Object <optional>
jQuery object where the event will be registered for.
dialog Element | Object <optional>
DOM Element/jQuery/... object of the current dialog instance which will be passed into the open dialog call if the existing dialog should be re-used.
closeFunction function <optional>
Function which is used to close the dialog.
  • since version 18.2

This example demonstrates a call to open the url in a named popup window, "Information". The new window can be accessed from variable myPopupWindow. Some additional parameters are also set in the call, to control scrolling, resizing and the visibility of a toolbar. The variable myTriggeringElement is used to define the triggering element of the popup, a button named myButton. Using a call to apex.navigation.dialog.registerCloseHandler, a new handler can be defined, to associate the close action of the dialog with the button.

var myTriggeringElement,

myTriggeringElement = apex.jQuery( '#myButton' );

myPopupWindow = apex.navigation.popup ( {
    url:       "f?p=102:2:&APP_SESSION.:::2::",
    name:      "Information",
    scroll:    "no",
    resizable: "no",
    toolbar:   "yes"
} );

apex.navigation.dialog.registerCloseHandler( {
    handler$:           myTriggeringElement,
    dialog:             myPopupWindow,
    triggeringElement$: myTriggeringElement,
    closeFunction:      function() {