A Automating the Oracle Application Express Installation Process

Automate the process of installing and configuring an Oracle Application Express instance.

A.1 About apxsilentins.sql

Run the apxsilentins.sql script to automate the installation and configuration of an Oracle Application Expresss instance.

Traditionally you run the run the apexins.sql script to install Oracle Application Express and then perform a multiple other steps to configure the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account. The apxsilentins.sql script simplifies the installation and configuation process. apxsilentins.sql accepts additional parameters so that passwords can be passed for following database users associated with the Oracle Application Express schema: APEX_PUBLIC_USER, APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER and the Oracle Application Express Instance Administration user, ADMIN. You can also use these passwords for the configuration of middle tiers and other processes. apxsilentins.sql also completes other installation steps such as creating and setting the password for the Instance Administration user, ADMIN, configuring a network ACL, and configuring Oracle REST Data Services.

A.2 Running apxsilentins.sql

Run the apxsilentins.sql script.

To run apxsilentins.sql:

  1. Change your working directory to apex.
  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect as user SYS to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed. You will need to specify the SYSDBA role. For example:
    • On Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
    • On UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
  3. Disable any existing password complexity rules for the default profile.
  4. Run apxsilentins.sql passing the following eight arguments in the order shown:
    @apxsilentins.sql tablespace_apex tablespace_files tablespace_temp images
          password_apex_pub_user password_apex_listener password_apex_rest_pub_user


    • tablespace_apex is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express application user.

    • tablespace_files is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express files user.

    • tablespace_temp is the name of the temporary tablespace or tablespace group.

    • images is the virtual directory for Oracle Application Express images. For installations using EPG, /i/ is the required value for the images argument. To support future Oracle Application Express upgrades, define the virtual image directory as /i/.

    • password_apex_pub_user is the password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER database account.

    • password_apex_listener is the password for the APEX_LISTENER database account.

    • password_apex_rest_pub_user is the password for the APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER database account.

    • password_internal_admin is the password for the Instance Administration ADMIN Application Express account. This password must meet the following requirements:

      • Contain at least 6 characters.

      • Contain at least one numeric character (0123456789).

      • Contain at least one punctuation character (!"#$%&()``*+,-/:;?_).

      • Contain at least one uppercase alphabetic character.

For example:

@apxsilentins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ Passw0rd!1 Passw0rd!2 Passw0rd!3 Passw0rd!4

Once apxsilentins.sql completes, you complete the steps in "Downloading and Installing Oracle REST Services" and "Configuring Oracle REST Data Services" (except for "Configuring Static File Support.")

Use the passwords you supplied to apxsilentins.sql when completing these steps. Then, move on to "Creating a Workspace and Adding Oracle Application Express Users."