3.10.4 Configuring an Environment Banner in Administration Services

Configure a environment banner for an instance in Administration Services.

Environment banners can display at either the left or top of page. You can define an environment banner for a given workspace or an entire development instance. Workspace-level environment banners override those those defined at the instance-level.


If a workspace or instance-level environment banner is enabled, the text and color is displays in App Builder pages and Runtime Developer toolbar in the application runtime.

To define a environment banner in Administration Services:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Messages, click Define Environment Banner.
  4. In the Environment Banner dialog:
    1. Enable Banner - Specify whether to include an environment banner. Select Yes or No.
    2. Position - Select the banner display position. Select Left or Top.
    3. Label - Edit the text to display as a label on the banner.
    4. Color - Select the banner color.
  5. Click Apply Changes.

    A confirmation message appears that reads:

    Environment banner settings saved.

The following illustration shows an instance-level environment displaying at the top of the page.