Configuring Select AI for First Use

Perform the following steps to check the requirements and configure Select AI for first use.

  1. Select AI requires the following:

    • Access to an Autonomous Database instance, such as an Always Free Autonomous Database

    • A paid API account for a supported AI provider (currently either Cohere or OpenAI).

  2. The Select AI feature requires that the database allow network access to an AI Provider for a database user. The database user also needs execute privileges on the DBMS_CLOUD and DBMS_CLOUD_AI packages.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. In Database Explorer, Connect to the Autonomous Database as the ADMIN user. See Connecting to Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB).

    2. Right click on the connection in Database Explorer and select Configure Select AI Provider Network Access.

    3. Choose your AI Provider and the Database Username from the drop down lists and click the Save button.

    If you do not have access to the ADMIN account, then you can connect to your database user account and perform the preceding steps. Instead of clicking Save, check the show SQL checkbox and provide the SQL to the person with access to the ADMIN user.

  3. You will need to create a credential that stores the API key from your AI provider for use by Oracle Database. The API key is obtained by logging into the AI provider's web site. You can create more than one credential.

    Perform the following steps to create a new credential:

    1. In Database Explorer, Connect to the Autonomous Database as your database user. See Connecting to Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB).

    2. Right click on the connection in Database Explorer and select Configure Select AI Profile

    3. Go to the Manage Credential tab.

    4. Enter the API Key.

    5. Click Save to create the credential.


    You can only create a new credential. An error will be raised if you provide an existing credential name.

  4. You will need to create a profile that specifies which AI provider, credential, and model will be used and which database schema object metadata will be provided to the LLM. You may have more than one profile.

    1. In Database Explorer, right click on the connection in Database Explorer and select Configure Select AI Profile.

    2. Under the Manage Profile tab, enter a profile name.


      You can only create a new profile. An error will be raised if you provide an existing profile name.

    3. Choose a Credential Name from the drop down list.

    4. Select the AI Provider from the dropdown list

    5. Select the Model from the dropdown list

    6. Click on the button with three dots next to the Object List field. The Object List dialog will open.

    7. In the Object List dialog, select the Schema.

    8. Using the radio button choose to show either Tables or Views.

    9. Choose the tables or views for which you would like to send metadata to the LLM.

    10. Cick OK to accept the Object List.

    11. Click Save to create the profile.

See Also:

For more information about configuring Select AI, see: