Navigating through SQL Scripts and PL/SQL Packages

  • To navigate through long SQL scripts using breadcrumbs, click on the breadcrumb at the top of the editor (it will usually be a file name or schema object). This will show a drop down of all SQL commands, PL/SQL packages, anonymous blocks, etc in the script. For some items like PL/SQL packages, procedures or functions you can further expand the breadcrumb to see additional details.

  • To make breadcrumbs easier to use, you may wish to modify the Visual Studio Code settings. In particular, setting Breadcrumbs: File Path to last or off decreases the amount of space taken by the file path.

  • You can also navigate through PL/SQL packages/procedures/functions that are in the database by using Oracle Explorer to right click on the procedure or function and choosing Open from the menu.

  • While viewing SQL or PL/SQL scripts, you can right click on schema object names and from the menu select Go to Definition/Peek Definition, Go to/Peek Type Definition and Go to/Peek Implementation. In the case of Go to, these will open a new window with the PL/SQL code where the object is defined or implemented. For Peek, it will allow you to view and edit the code in place in the current editor window.