Organizing Connections by User, Workspace, or Folder Scope

Workspace and Folder scoped connection information and settings can be stored in a project along with the code for that project. This can also allow multiple Visual Studio Code users to share connection information via source controlled projects.

Connection information and settings can be stored at a user scope in the Visual Studio Code settings.json file for the user. If a workspace is currently open, then it can also be stored at a Workspace scope in a settings file in the workspace. And it can also be stored at a Workspace Folder scope in a settings file in a folder in the workspace.

Connections created with a workspace or folder scope will appear in Oracle Database Explorer when the Visual Studio Code workspace is open. When the workspace is closed or another workspace opened, those connections in Oracle Database Explorer will disappear.

For more information about Visual Studio Code User and Workspace settings see:

To set the scope of a connection:

  1. Create a connection in Oracle Database Explorer by clicking the plus (+) sign to create a new connection.

  2. Select User, Workspace, or Folder tab at the top of the connection dialog. The Workspace scope will only be visible if a workspace is opened in Visual Studio Code. If the workspace contains folders, the folder names will be selectable from the Folders dropdown.


    The scope of the connection can only be set when it is being created. It cannot be modified later. For example, you cannot modify it later using the Update Connection menu item.

  3. Check Append 'workspace' to connection name or Append folder name to connection name if you wish the workspace or folder name to be included alongside the name of the connection node for easier identification.

  4. Continue to populate the connection dialog, following the steps in Connecting to Oracle Database or Connecting to Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB).


    Passwords cannot be saved for connections with Workspace or Folder scope.