Viewing and Saving Result Sets

After executing SQL, a new document (Results Window) will open with the result set or the results will be appended to an open Results window. The maximum number of rows that can be returned is controlled by the Max Rows extension setting. As you page through the rows, more will be fetched - up to this maximum.

  1. To save results, choose the format: .CSV or JSON. To change the delimiter or text qualifier in a .CSV file, go to the extension settings and set Query›Result Set›CSV:Delimiter and/or Query›Result Set›CSV:Text Qualifier. Then click the icon to Save Selected Rows or Save All Rows. After providing a file name and location, the file will open in Visual Studio Code.

  2. To copy the selected rows to the clipboard, click the Copy Selected Row(s) to Clipboard icon

  3. To clear the results window, click the Clear Results Window button located in the area near the document tabs. To change the default to always clear the results window after every execution, change the Clear Results Window extension setting.