4 Upgrading a Standalone Oracle Key Vault Server

This upgrade includes the Oracle Key Vault server software and utilities that control the associated endpoint software

4.1 About Upgrading a Standalone Oracle Key Vault Server

When you upgrade the Oracle Key Vault server software appliance, also upgrade the endpoint software to get access to the latest enhancements.

However, the endpoint software downloaded from the previous Oracle Key Vault release will continue to function with the upgraded Oracle Key Vault server. Be aware that while the old endpoint software will continue to work with the upgraded Oracle Key Vault server, the new endpoint functionality may not work.

You must upgrade in the order shown: first perform a full backup of Oracle Key Vault, upgrade the Oracle Key Vault server, upgrade the endpoint software, and last, perform another full backup of the upgraded server. Note that upgrading requires a restart of the Oracle Key Vault server.

The Oracle Key Vault server is not available to endpoints for a limited duration during the upgrade. You can enable the persistent cache feature to enable endpoints to continue operation during the upgrade process.

Before you begin the upgrade, refer to Oracle Key Vault Release Notes for additional information about performing upgrades.

4.2 Step 1: Back Up the Server Before You Upgrade

Before you upgrade the Oracle Key Vault server, perform a one-time backup to a remote destination so that you can recover data in case the upgrade fails.


Do not bypass this step. Back up the server before you perform the upgrade so that your data is safe and recoverable.

4.3 Step 2: Perform Pre-Upgrade Tasks for the Standalone Oracle Key Vault

To ensure a smooth upgrade to Oracle Key Vault, you should prepare the server you are upgrading.

  1. In the server where Oracle Key Vault is installed, log in as user support, and then switch to the root user.
  2. Ensure that the server meets the minimum disk space requirement, 6 GiB of free disk space, for an upgrade. If the /usr/local/dbfw/tmp directory does not have sufficient free space, then delete any diagnostics .zip files that maybe stored in that directory.
  3. Check the boot partition size. If any of the nodes in question have a boot partition that is less than 500 MB, then you cannot upgrade that system to the new release. You can check this size as follows:
    1. Mount the /boot partition.
      # mount /boot
    2. Check the Size column given by the following command:
      # df -h /boot
    3. Unmount the /boot partition:
      # umount /boot
    If the boot partition given by this command shows less than 488 MB, then you cannot upgrade to the current release. Oracle recommends that you restore a backup of the current configuration to a freshly installed system of the same release as the current system, and upgrade that to the new release instead.
  4. If Oracle Key Vault is using the BIOS boot mode, then ensure that the disk size is not greater than 2 TB. If this is the case, then you cannot upgrade to the current release. Oracle recommends that you restore a backup of the current configuration onto a system with a disk that is less than 2 TB in size, and upgrade that to the new release instead.
  5. If you need to increase available disk space, then remove the temporary jar files located in /usr/local/okv/ssl. Be careful in doing so. If you accidentally delete any files other than the jar files in /usr/local/okv/ssl, then the Oracle Key Vault server becomes non-functional.
  6. Increase your disk space by extending the vg_root size:
    You must increase the disk space by extending vg_root before you perform the upgrade.
  7. Ensure that no full or incremental backup jobs are running. Delete all scheduled full or incremental backup jobs before the upgrade.
  8. Plan for downtime according to the following specifications:
    Oracle Key Vault Usage Downtime required

    Wallet upload or download


    Java Keystore upload or download


    Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) direct connect

    YES (NO with persistent cache)

    Primary Server Upgrade in a primary-standby deployment

    YES (NO with persistent cache)

  9. Plan for downtimes.
    If Oracle Key Vault uses an online master encryption key, then plan for a downtime of 15 minutes during the Oracle Database endpoint software upgrades. Database endpoints can be upgraded in parallel to reduce total downtime.
  10. If the Oracle Key Vault system has a syslog destination configured, ensure that the remote syslog destination is reachable from the Oracle Key Vault system, and that logs are being correctly forwarded. If the remote syslog destination is not reachable from the Oracle Key Vault system, then the upgrade process can become much slower than normal.
  11. If Oracle Audit Vault was integrated with Oracle Key Vault in Oracle Key Vault release 21.2 or earlier, then do the following to disable and remove the Oracle Audit Vault integration:
    1. Disable the Oracle Audit Vault integration: Log into the Oracle Key Vault management console as a System Administrator, select the System tab and then Settings from the left navigation bar. In the Monitoring and Alerts pane, select Audit Vault. In the Audit Vault integration pane that appears, disable AVDF. Click Save.
    2. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault server through SSH as user support, switch user su to root and then switch user su to oracle.
    3. Stop the agent by executing the following command:
      agent_installation_directory/bin/agentctl stop
    4. Log in to the Oracle Audit Vault Server console as an Oracle Audit Vault administrator.
    5. Delete the corresponding agent and target.
    6. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault server through SSH as user support, then switch user su to root.
    7. Delete the installation directory for the Oracle Audit Vault agent.
  12. If you are performing an upgrade while using an HSM as a Root of Trust, then consult Oracle Key Vault Root of Trust HSM Configuration Guide for any additional steps that may be needed.
  13. Ensure that the Oracle Key Vault server certificate has not expired, nor is close to expiry, before you begin the upgrade.
    You can find how much time the Oracle Key Vault server certificate has before it expires by checking the OKV Server Certificate Expiration setting on the Configure Alerts page in the Oracle Key Vault management console.

4.4 Step 3: Add Disk Space to Extend the vg_root for the Release 21.4 Upgrade

Before upgrading to Oracle Key Vault release 21.4 from release 18.x, you will need to extend the vg_root to increase disk space.

If you are upgrading from an earlier Oracle Key Vault release 21.x and have already extended the vg_root, then you can bypass this step.
Before you start this procedure, ensure that all endpoints have persistent cache enabled and in use.
  1. Log in to the server for which you will perform the upgrade and switch user as root.
  2. Ensure that the persistent cache settings for Oracle Key Vault have been set.
    You will need to ensure that the persistent cache has been enabled because in a later step in this procedure, you must shut down the server. Shutting down the Oracle Key Vault server will incur downtime. To avoid any downtime, Oracle recommends that you turn on persistent cache.
  3. Run the vgs command to determine the free space

    The VFree column shows how much free space you have (for example, 21 GB).

  4. Power off the server in order to add a new disk
    /sbin/shutdown -h now
  5. Add a new disk to the server with a capacity of 100 GB or greater
  6. Start the server.
  7. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault server through SSH as user support, then switch user su to root.
    ssh support@okv_server_IP_address
    su - root
  8. Stop the Oracle Key Vault services.
    service tomcat stop;
    service httpd stop;
    service kmipus stop;
    service kmip stop;
    service okvogg stop;
    service javafwk stop;
    service monitor stop;
    service controller stop;
    service dbfwlistener stop;
    service dbfwdb stop;
    service rsyslog stop;
  9. Run the fdisk -l command to find if there are any available partitions on the new disk.
    fdisk -l
    At this stage, there should be no available partitions.
  10. Run the fdisk disk_device_to_be_added command to create the new partition.
    For example, to create a disk device named /dev/sdb:
    fdisk /dev/sdb

    In the prompts that appear, enter the following commands in sequence:

    • n for new partition
    • p for primary
    • 1 for partition number
    • Accept the default values for cylinder (press Enter twice).
    • w to write and exit
  11. Use the pvcreate disk_device_partition command to add the newly added disk to the physical volume.
    For example, for a disk device named /dev/sdb1, which is the name of the disk partition that you created (based on the name used for the disk device that was added).
    pvcreate /dev/sdb1

    Output similar to the following appears:

    Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created
  12. Use the vgextend vg_root disk_device_partition command to extend the logical volume with this disk space that you just added.
    For example, for the partition /dev/sdb1, you would run:
    vgextend vg_root /dev/sdb1

    Output similar to the following appears:

    Volume group "vg_root" successfully extended
  13. Run the vgs command again to ensure that VFree shows an increase of 100 GB or more (depending on the size of the disk that was added).

    Output similar to the following appears:

    VG      #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
    vg_root   2  12   0 wz--n- 598.75g <121.41g
  14. Restart the Oracle Key Vault server.

4.5 Step 4: Upgrade the Oracle Key Vault Server

You can upgrade a standalone Oracle Key Vault server deployment.

4.5.1 About Upgrading an Oracle Key Vault Server

In a standalone deployment you must upgrade a single Oracle Key Vault server.

Note that persistent caching enables endpoints to continue to be operational during the upgrade process.


If you are upgrading from a system with 4 GB RAM, first add 12 GB or more of additional RAM, following instructions for your specific hardware, before upgrading. Ensure that the persistent cache is enabled and set to sufficiently large values before attempting such operations so as to not incur endpoint downtime.

4.5.2 Upgrading a Standalone Oracle Key Vault Server

A single Oracle Key Vault server in a standalone deployment is the most typical deployment in test and development environments.

  1. Ensure that you have backed up the server you are upgrading so your data is safe and recoverable.
    Do not proceed without completing this step.
  2. Log into the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user who has the System Administrator role.
  3. Ensure that SSH access is enabled.

    Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user who has the System Administrator role. Select the System tab, then Settings. In the Network Details area, click SSH Access. Select IP address(es) and then enter only the IP addresses that you need, or select All. Click Save.

  4. Ensure you have enough space in the destination directory for the upgrade ISO files.
    Do not copy this file to any location other than the /var/lib/oracle directory.
  5. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault server through SSH as user support, then switch user su to root.
    ssh support@okv_server_IP_address
    su - root

    If the SSH connection times out while you are executing any step of the upgrade, then the operation will not complete successfully. Oracle recommends that you ensure that you use the appropriate values for the ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax options for your SSH sessions to avoid upgrade failures.

  6. Copy the upgrade ISO file to the destination directory using Secure Copy Protocol or other secure transmission method.
    Note that the upgrade ISO file is not the installation ISO file that you downloaded from eDelivery. You can download the Oracle Key Vault upgrade software from the My Oracle Support website at https://support.oracle.com/portal/.
    root# scp user_name@remote_host:remote_path/okv-upgrade- /var/lib/oracle/

    In this specification:

    • remote_host is the IP address of the computer containing the ISO upgrade file.
    • remote_path is the directory of the ISO upgrade file. Do not copy this file to any location other than the /var/lib/oracle directory.
  7. As root, make the upgrade accessible by using the mount command:
    root# mount -o loop,ro /var/lib/oracle/okv-upgrade- /images
  8. Clear the cache using the clean all command:
    root# yum -c /images/upgrade.repo clean all
  9. Apply the upgrade with upgrade.rb command:
    root# ruby /images/upgrade.rb --confirm

    If the system is successfully upgraded, then the command will display the following message:

    Reboot now to continue the upgrade process.

    If you see an error message, then check the log file /var/log/messages for additional information.

  10. Restart the Oracle Key Vault server by running reboot command:
    # reboot

    On the first restart of the computer after the upgrade, assuming that the upgrade ISO file was copied to the /var/lib/oracle directory, the system will automatically mount /var/lib/oracle/okv-upgrade- and finish the upgrade process. (If the ISO is not auto-mounted, then the upgrade process will prompt for the ISO to be re-attached.) This can take a few hours. Do not shut down the system during this time.

    The upgrade is completed when the screen shows the following text: Oracle Key Vault Server version. This appliance was upgraded from previous_release_version.. The revision should reflect the upgraded release.

  11. Confirm that Oracle Key Vault has been upgraded to the correct version.
    1. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user who has the System Administrator role.
    2. Select the System tab, and then select Status.
    3. Verify that the version displayed is the latest release number.
      The release number is also at the bottom of each page, to the right of the copyright information.
  12. If your site uses the Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) suite, then re-install these algorithms onto the standalone server.
  13. Restart the Oracle Key Vault system.
    root# /sbin/reboot
  14. Delete the upgrade ISO from the Oracle Key Vault server that was just upgraded.
    For example:
    root# /bin/rm -f /var/lib/oracle/okv-upgrade-
  15. Disable SSH access.

    Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user who has the System Administrator role. Select the System tab, then Settings. In the Network Details area, click SSH Access. Select Disabled. Click Save.

4.6 Step 5: If Necessary, Add Disk Space to Extend Swap Space

If necessary, extend the swap space. Oracle Key Vault release 21.4 requires a hard disk size greater than or equal to 1 TB in size with approximately 64 GB of swap space.

If your system does not meet this requirement, follow these instructions to extend the swap space. You can check how much swap space you have by running the swapon -s command. By default, Oracle Key Vault releases earlier than release 18.1 were installed with approximately 4 GB of swap space. After you complete the upgrade to release 18.1 or later, Oracle recommends that you increase the swap space allocation for the server on which you upgraded Oracle Key Vault. A new Oracle Key Vault installation is automatically configured with sufficient swap space. However, if you upgraded from a previous release, and your system does not have the desired amount of swap space configured, then you must manually add disk space to extend the swap space, particularly if the intention is to convert the upgraded server into the first node of a multi-master cluster.
  1. Log in to the server in which you upgraded Oracle Key Vault and connect as root.
  2. Check the current amount of swap space.
    [root@my_okv_server support]# swapon -s

    Output similar to the following appears. This example shows that the system has 4 GB of swap space.

    Filename Type Size Used Priority
    /dev/dm-0 partition 4194300 3368 -1

    There must be 64 GB of swap space if the disk is greater than 1 TB in size.

  3. Run the vgs command to determine how much free space is available.

    The VFree column shows how much free space you have (for example, 21 GB).

  4. Power off the server in order to add a new disk.
    /sbin/shutdown -h now
  5. Add a new disk to the server of a size that will bring the VFree value to over 64 GB.
  6. Start the server.
  7. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault server through SSH as user support, then switch user su to root.
    ssh support@okv_server_IP_address
    su - root
  8. Run the fdisk -l command to find if there are any available partitions on the new disk.
    fdisk -l

    At this stage, there should be no available partitions.

  9. Run the fdisk disk_device_to_be_added command to create the new partition.
    For example, to create a disk device named /dev/sdc:
    fdisk /dev/sdc

    In the prompts that appear, enter the following commands in sequence:

    • n for new partition
    • p for primary (the primary partition)
    • 1 for partition number
    • Accept the default values for cylinder (press Enter twice).
    • w to write and exit
  10. Use the pvcreate disk_device_partition command to add the newly added disk to the physical volume.
    For example, for a disk device named /dev/sdc1, which is the name of the disk partition that you created (based on the name used for the disk device that was added).
    pvcreate /dev/sdc1

    Output similar to the following appears:

    Physical volume "/dev/sdc1" successfully created
  11. Use the vgextend vg_root disk_device_partition command to extend the logical volume with this disk space that you just added.
    For example, for the partition /dev/sdc1, you would run:
    vgextend vg_root /dev/sdc1

    Output similar to the following appears:

    Volume group "vg_root" successfully extended
  12. Run the vgs command again to ensure that VFree shows an increase of 64 GB.
  13. Disable swapping.
    [root@my_okv_server support]# swapoff -v /dev/vg_root/lv_swap
  14. To extend the swap space, run the lvresize command.
    [root@my_okv_server support]# lvresize -L +60G /dev/vg_root/lv_swap

    Output similar to the following appears:

    Size of logical volume vg_root/lv_swap changed from 4.00 GiB (128 extents) to 64.00 GiB (2048 extents)
    Logical volume lv_swap successfully resized.
  15. Format the newly added swap space.
    [root@my_okv_server support]# mkswap /dev/vg_root/lv_swap

    Output similar to the following appears:

    mkswap: /dev/vg_root/lv_swap: warning: don't erase bootbits sectors
    on whole disk. Use -f to force.
    Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 67108860 KiB
    no label, UUID=fea7fc72-0fea-43a3-8e5d-e29955d46891
  16. Enable swapping again.
    [root@my_okv_server support]# swapon -v /dev/vg_root/lv_swap
  17. Verify the amount of swap space that is available.
    [root@my_okv_server support]# swapon -s

    Output similar to the following appears:

    Filename Type Size Used Priority 
    /dev/dm-0 partition 67108860 0 -1
  18. Restart the Oracle Key Vault server.

4.7 Step 6: If Necessary, Remove Old Kernels

Oracle recommends that you clean up the older kernels that were left behind after the upgrade.

While the older kernel is not in use, it may be marked as an issue by some code analysis tools.
  1. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault server as the support user.
  2. Switch to the root user.
    su - root
  3. Mount /boot if it was not mounted on the system.
    1. Check if the /boot is mounted. The following command should display /boot information if it was mounted.
      df -h /boot;
    2. Mount it if /boot is not mounted.
      /bin/mount /boot;

      For EFI-based systems, you may need to mount /boot/efi if it is not already mounted.

      /bin/mount /boot/efi 
  4. Check the installed kernels and the running kernel.
    1. Search for any kernels that are installed.
      rpm -q kernel-uek | sort;

      The following example output shows that two kernels are installed:

    2. Check the latest kernel.
      uname -r;

      The following output shows an example of a kernel version that was installed at the time:

      # uname-r

      This example assumes 5.4.17-2136.304.4.5.el7uek.x86_64 as the latest version (newer versions may be available by now). Based on the output from the commands above, remove the older kernel (kernel-uek-4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek.x86_64). You should remove all kernels that are older than the latest kernel.

  5. Remove the older kernel and its associated RPMs.

    For example, to remove the kernel-uek-4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek.x86_64 kernel:

    yum --disablerepo=* remove `rpm -qa|grep 4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek`

    Output similar to the following appears:

      Resolving Dependencies
    -->   Running transaction check
    ---> Package kernel-uek.x86_64 0:4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek will be erased
    ---> Package kernel-uek-devel.x86_64 0:4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek will be erased
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Dependencies Resolved
     Package               Arch        Version                           Repository                          Size
     kernel-uek          x86_64         4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek       @anaconda/7.7                        58 M
     kernel-uek-devel    x86_64         4.14.35-2047.504.2.el7uek       @avs-ol-dependencies                 63 M
    Transaction Summary
    Remove        2 Package(s)
    Installed size: 121 M
    Is this ok [y/N]:
  6. Enter y to accept the deletion output.
  7. Repeat these steps starting with Step 4 for all kernels that are older than the latest kernel.

4.8 Step 7: If Necessary, Remove SSH-Related DSA Keys

You should remove SSH-related DSA keys left behind after the upgrade, because they can cause problems with some code analysis tools.

  1. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user with the System Administrator role.
  2. Enable SSH.

    Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user who has the System Administrator role. Select the System tab, then Settings. In the Network Details area, click SSH Access. Select IP address(es) and then enter only the IP addresses that you need, or select All. Click Save.

  3. Login to the Oracle Key Vault support account using SSH.
    ssh support@OracleKeyVault_serverIPaddress
  4. Switch to the root user.
    su - root
  5. Change directory to /etc/ssh.
    cd /etc/ssh
  6. Rename the following keys.
    mv ssh_host_dsa_key.pub ssh_host_dsa_key.pub.retire
    mv ssh_host_dsa_key ssh_host_dsa_key.retire
  7. Disable SSH access.

    Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a user who has the System Administrator role. Select the System tab, then Settings. In the Network Details area, click SSH Access. Select Disabled. Click Save.

4.9 Step 8: Upgrade the Endpoint Software

As part of the upgrade, you must reenroll endpoints created in earlier releases of Oracle Key Vault, or update the endpoint software.

If you are upgrading from an earlier release to the latest release of Oracle Key Vault, then you must reenroll the endpoint instead of upgrading the endpoint software. Reenrolling the endpoint automatically updates the endpoint software.

Before an endpoint that uses online TDE master encryption key management by Oracle Key Vault can take advantage of the ability to control the extraction of objects from Oracle Key Vault during cryptographic operations, it must be upgraded to Oracle Key Vault release 21.4.

  1. Ensure that you have completely upgraded both the primary and standby servers that are configured Oracle Key Vault. If you are upgrading the endpoint software for an Oracle database configured for online TDE master encryption key management, then shut down the database.
  2. Download the endpoint software (okvclient.jar) for your platform from the Oracle Key Vault server as follows:
    1. Go to the Oracle Key Vault management console login screen.
    2. Click the Endpoint Enrollment and Software Download link.
    3. In the Download Endpoint Software Only section, select the appropriate platform from the drop-down list.
    4. Click the Download button.
  3. Identify the path to your existing endpoint installation that you are about to upgrade (for example, /etc/ORACLE/KEYSTORES/okv (where /etc/ORACLE/KEYSTORES is WALLET_ROOT of your database, or the softlink in $ORACLE_BASE/okv/$ORACLE_SID points to).
  4. Install the endpoint software by executing the following command:
    java -jar okvclient.jar -d existing_endpoint_directory_path

    For example:

    java -jar okvclient.jar -d /etc/ORACLE/KEYSTORES/okv

    If you are installing the okvclient.jar file on a Windows endpoint system that has Oracle Database release only, then include the -db112 option. (This option is not necessary for any other combination of endpoint platform or Oracle Database version.) For example:

    java -jar okvclient.jar -d c:\etc\ORACLE\KEYSTORES\okv
  5. Install the updated PKCS#11 library file.
    This step is needed only for online TDE master encryption key management by Oracle Key Vault. If an endpoint uses online TDE master encryption key management by Oracle Key Vault, then you must upgrade the PKCS#11 library while upgrading the endpoint software.
    • On UNIX/Linux platforms: Run root.sh from the bin directory of endpoint installation directory to copy the latest liborapkcs.so file for Oracle Database endpoints.
      $ sudo /etc/ORACLE/KEYSTORES/okv/bin/root.sh


      $ su - root
      # /etc/ORACLE/KEYSTORES/okv/bin/root.sh
    • On Windows platforms: Run root.bat from the bin directory of endpoint installation directory to copy the latest liborapkcs.dll file for Oracle Database endpoints. You will be prompted for the version of the database in use.
  6. Update the SDK software.
    If you have already deployed the SDK software, Oracle recommends that you redeploy the SDK software in the same location after you complete the upgrade to Oracle Key Vault release 21.4. This enables you to have access to the new SDK APIs that were introduced since the Oracle Key Vault version that you are upgrading from.
    1. Go to the Oracle Key Vault management console login screen.
    2. Click the Endpoint Enrollment and Software Download link.
    3. In the Download Software Development Kit section, select the appropriate language and platform for your site.
    4. Click the Download button to get the SDK zip file.
    5. Identify the existing location where SDK software was already deployed.
    6. Navigate to the directory in which you saved the SDK zip file.
    7. Unzip the SDK zip file.

      For example, on Linux, to unzip the Java SDK zip file, use the following command:

      unzip -o okv_jsdk.zip -d existing_endpoint_sdk_directory_path

      For the C SDK zip file, use this command:

      unzip -o okv_csdk.zip -d existing_endpoint_sdk_directory_path
    8. Do not exit this page.
  7. If you had deployed the RESTful services utility in the previous release, then re-deploy the latest okvrestclipackage.zip file.
    The latest okvrestclipackage.zip file enables you to have access to the new RESTful services utility commands that were introduced since the Oracle Key Vault version that you are upgrading from.
    You can use wget or curl to download okvrestclipackage.zip.
    wget --no-check-certificate https://Oracle_Key_Vault_IP_address:5695/okvrestclipackage.zip
    curl -O -k https://Oracle_Key_Vault_IP_address:5695/okvrestservices.jar
  8. Restart the endpoint if it was shut down.
    At this stage, the endpoint will be fully upgraded.
  9. If your site requires that you restrict TDE master encryption keys from leaving Oracle Key Vault and if you are using an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environment, then perform the following steps on each Oracle RAC node:
    1. Perform the endpoint upgrade on each Oracle RAC node.
    2. Set the extractable attribute value for symmetric keys.
      By default, the extractable attribute value is true, which means that the key material of symmetric keys can be extracted from Oracle Key Vault during certain operations. If you want to prevent symmetric keys from being extracted, then you must set this value to false. You can set an extractable attribute value as follows:
      • Set the default value for the extractable attribute of new symmetric keys in the endpoint settings. Endpoint-specific setting overrides the global endpoint settings.
      • Explicitly specify the value of the extractable attribute when creating or registering a new symmetric key.
      • Modify the extractable attribute of an existing symmetric key.
    3. As a user who has the SYSDBA or SYSKM administrative privilege, perform a rekey operation on one Oracle RAC node. Use the following syntax:
      [USING TAG 'tag_name'] 
      IDENTIFIED BY [EXTERNAL STORE | keystore_password;

      See Oracle Database Advanced Security Guide for more information about rekeying a TDE master encryption key.

  10. If your site requires that you restrict TDE master encryption keys from leaving Oracle Key Vault and if you are using an Oracle Data Guard environment, then do the following on the primary and standby databases:
    1. Perform the endpoint upgrade on the primary and standby databases.
    2. If your site requires it, then set the extractable attribute value for symmetric keys.
      By default, the extractable attribute value is true, which means that the key material of symmetric keys can be extracted from Oracle Key Vault during certain operations. If you want to prevent symmetric keys from being extracted, then you must set this value to false. You can set an extractable attribute value as follows:
      • Set the default value for the extractable attribute of new symmetric keys in the endpoint settings. Endpoint-specific setting overrides the global endpoint settings.
      • Explicitly specify the value of the extractable attribute when creating or registering a new symmetric key.
      • Modify the extractable attribute of an existing symmetric key.
    3. As a user who has the SYSDBA or SYSKM administrative privilege, perform a rekey operation in the primary database.
      [USING TAG 'tag_name'] 
      IDENTIFIED BY [EXTERNAL STORE | keystore_password;

      See Oracle Database Advanced Security Guide for more information about rekeying a TDE master encryption key.

4.10 Step 9: Back Up the Upgraded Oracle Key Vault Server

You must perform server backup and user password tasks after completing a successful upgrade.

  1. Take a full backup of the upgraded Oracle Key Vault Server Database to a new remote destination. Avoid using the old backup destination for the new backups.
  2. Schedule a new periodic incremental backup to the new destination defined in the preceding step.
  3. Change the Oracle Key Vault administrative passwords.
    Password hashing has been upgraded to a more secure standard than in earlier releases. This change affects the operating system passwords, support and root. You must change Oracle Key Vault administrative passwords after the upgrade to take advantage of the more secure hash.