C.1 Before You Start Troubleshooting

Learn how to use the endpoint health check utility and troubleshoot the Oracle Key Vault server issues.

C.1.1 Endpoint Related Issues

To identify endpoint-related issues, use the endpoint health check utility.

The endpoint health check utility performs several checks for the endpoint environment and configuration settings, identifies probable causes, and recommends possible actions to fix the issues.
  • Verifies if the environment variables ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, OKV_HOME, ORACLE_BASE, and JAVA_HOME are set in the current session and gen0 process.
  • Verifies if multiple HSM libraries exist in the environment.
  • Verifies if the symbolic link is created for okvclient.ora under ORACLE_BASE/okv/$ORACLE_SID.
  • Verifies if the wallet_root path is set, if set, then verifies if the okv and tde folders are configured.
  • Verifies if the database is up and running.
  • Verify if the SSL path is set correctly in okvclient.ora.
  • Verifies the permissions of the liborapkcs file under /opt/oracle path.
  • Verifies the connectivity to the Oracle Key Vault server and provides solutions to fix the error.
  • Verifies if the current Oracle Key Vault version is supported.

To run the endpoint health check script for Oracle Key Vault releases 21.5 or later:

  1. Log in to the endpoint DB server.
  2. Go to the OKV_HOME directory where okvclient.jar is installed.
  3. Go to the bin directory under OKV_HOME.
  4. Run the health check script.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to run the endpoint health check utility.
  6. After the health check is complete, open the log file mentioned in the output.
  7. Read the log file to find if any tests have FAILED. Fix the failed tests using the instructions in the log file or with the help of the Troubleshooting section.
  8. After fixing the failed tests, re-run the health check utility and verify all tests are passed.


For Oracle Key Vault release 21.4 or earlier, use the instructions in My Oracle Support Note 2859388.1.