C.5 Backup and Restore Issues

Review these troubleshooting tips for common backup and restore related issues when working with Oracle Key Vault.

C.5.1 Oracle Key Vault Backup Failed Error

During Oracle Key Vault backup operation, the backup operation fails with Failed to pack files error.


Oracle Key Vault Backup failed with:

Error: Failed to pack files

Probable Cause

Oracle Key Vault backup failed due to the Failed to pack files error.


  1. Login to the Oracle Key Vault management server through ssh as support.
  2. Switch to root user.
  3. Go to /var/okv/log/db/ open the latest backup run log named as output*okv_backup_run.log.
  4. If you get a permissions issues to access a file error, then fix the permissions and run the backup again.
  5. Check if the issue is resolved.

C.5.2 Unable to Schedule a New Backup

Oracle Key Vault failed to schedule a new backup on the management console.


Scheduling a new backup on Oracle Key Vault Management console fails with:

Error: Unable to schedule new backup 

Probable Cause

There may be an old backup still in progress or in a non-responsive state for several days.


  1. Restart the Oracle Key Vault server and verify if the old backup has completed.
  2. Schedule the new backup.
  3. Check if the issue is resolved.

C.5.3 Remote Backup Failed

Remote backup fails on the Oracle Key Vault management console.


Remote Backup status on the Oracle Key Vault management console displayed as:

Error: Remote Backup Failed

Probable Cause 1

There may be a remote backup in Ongoing status for several days.


  1. Restart the Oracle Key Vault server and verify if the old backup has completed.
  2. Check if the issue is resolved.

Probable Cause 2

Backup remote destination is not accessible.


  1. Verify if the remote destination is accessible and scp is working in the configured remote destination path.
  2. If scp is successfully working:
    1. Verify if the Oracle Key Vault server is upgraded, or if the server, CA certificate, or node certificate is rotated recently. Verify if the remote backup destination is not configured again.
    2. Log in to the Oracle Key Vault management console as a system administrator.
    3. Go to System, Settings.
    4. Go to the Backup and Restore page.
    5. Edit Remote backup destination and copy the public key.
    6. Paste the public key in the known_hosts file on the remote destination server.
  3. If the server, CA certificate, or node certificate is rotated, then the public key of the Oracle Key Vault server or node has changed.
  4. Copy the new public key that appears in the Public Key field in the Backup Destination Details page.
  5. Paste the public key in the appropriate configuration file, such as authorized_keys, on the backup destination server.
  6. Go to System, Settings.
  7. In the System Configuration area, select Backup and Restore.
  8. Click Manage Backup Destination to view all backup destinations.
  9. Click Create. The Public Key field displays the new public key.
  10. Copy this public key to the authorized_key file of the user specified in the backup destination configuration.
  11. Apply the change for each backup destination.
  12. Check if the issue is resolved.

C.5.4 Backup Restore Failure

Oracle Key Vault backup restore operation fails with Backup Restoration Failed error.


Oracle Key Vault restore from a remote backup failed.

Error: Backup Restoration Failed

Probable Cause

Restoration fails, if the remote server is not accessible.


  1. Verify if the backup file from the remote backup destination is accessible by the Oracle Key Vault server.
  2. If not, ensure that the Oracle Key Vault server can access the backup file from the remote backup destination.
  3. Check if the issue is resolved.

C.5.4.1 Backup Size is Growing Exponentially

Oracle Key Vault backup size is exponentially growing every time you take a backup.


Oracle Key Vault restoration failure.

Restoration fails, if the remote server is not accessible.


  1. Use RMAN to delete the OBSOLETE archive logs as well as the database backups.
  2. Connect to the Oracle Key Vault server using SSH as support, switch to root user and then switch to ORACLE user.
  3. Connect using RMAN utility and run the following commands to list the OBSOLETE redo logs and backups taken until then and the obsolete backups and archived logs.
    rman target /
    RMAN> list backup summary;
    RMAN> report obsolete;
  4. Delete the obsolete backups using the following command from RMAN.
    :RMAN> delete noprompt obsolete;
  5. If this action plan generates other warning messages please contact the support team.
  6. This will not delete the backup taken by the system on the REMOTE location. Those backup files need to be managed manually.