8.2 View Model Monitor Results

The Model Monitor Results page displays the monitoring results of each model that are being monitored. By clicking on any model that has run successfully, you can view the detailed analysis of each model such as model drift, model metrics, prediction statistics, feature impact, prediction distribution and predictive versus drift importance for each feature. The predictive impact versus drift importance for each monitored feature is computed only if data monitoring is enabled.

1. Model Monitor Results page

The Model Monitor Results page lists all the models that are monitored by the monitor. The name of the monitor is displayed at the top of the page. As seen in this screenshot, the monitor name Power Consumptionis displayed at the top. The models GLM_8959AF817, GLMR_0E58D990CD and NN_4C90CF9FB8 monitored by the Power Consumption monitor are listed in the Models section. By default, the details of all the monitored models are displayed. You can choose to view the details of one monitor at a time by deselecting the other monitors.

Figure 8-8 Model Monitor Results page

Model Monitor Results page
The Model Monitor Results page comprises these sections:
  • Settings — The Settings section displays the model monitor settings. Click on the arrow against Settings to expand this section. You have the option to edit the model monitor settings by clicking Edit on the top right corner of the page.

    Figure 8-9 Model Monitor Settings

    Model Monitor Settings section on Model Monitor Results page
  • Models — The Models section lists all the models that are monitored by the monitor. In this example, the models GLM_8959AF817, GLMR_0E58D990CD and NN_4C90CF9FB8 monitored by the Power Consumption monitor are listed.

    Figure 8-10 Models on the Models Monitor Results page

    Models listed on the Models Monitor Results page

    You can choose to view and compare the results of one or more monitored models by deselecting the ones that you want to exclude. You can also view the results of each feature of the model by clicking on the model. These results — Feature Impact chart, Prediction Distribution, and Predictive Impact versus Drift Importance chart are displayed on a separate pane that slides in. The Predictive Impact versus Drift Importance chart is computed only if the Monitor Data option is selected while creating the model monitor.

  • Model Drift — The Model Drift section is displayed just below the Models section. Model drift is the percentage change in the performance metric between the baseline period and the new period. A negative value indicates that the new period has a better performance metric which could happen due to noise.

    The X axis depicts the analysis period, and the Y axis depicts the drift values. The horizontal dotted line represents the drift threshold settings that each monitor gets by default. The default covers the typical use case. However, you can choose to customize it based on specific use case. The line depicts the drift value for each point in time for the analysis period. Hover your mouse over the line to view the drift values. A drift above the threshold indicates significant change in model predictions. Exceeding the threshold suggests rebuilding and redeploying your model may be necessary. If the drift is below the threshold, it indicates that there are insufficient changes in the data to warrant further investigation or action. That is, possibly rebuilding a machine learning model using this data.

    Figure 8-11 Model Drift on the Models Monitor Results page

    Model Drift on the Models Monitor Results page

    If you want to view the drift details of one model at a time, click on the model name on the right to select or deselect it, as shown here. Model Selection

  • Metric — This Metric section displays the computed metrics for the selected models. The computed metric is plotted along the y axis, and the time period is plotted along the x axis. In this example, the metric R2 or R-squared is displayed for all the three models. Hover your cursor on other points on the line to view the details of the computed metric. The value of R2 for all the models is equal to 1. Here, the value of R2 for all the three monitored models is 1. This indicates that all the three models are good fit for the data

    Figure 8-12 Metric

    Model Metrics
    The computed metrics for Regression are:
    • R2 — A statistical measure that calculates how close the data are to the fitted regression line. In general, the higher the value of R-squared, the better the model fits your data. The value of R2 is always between 0 to 1, where:
      • 0 indicates that the model explains none of the variability of the response data around its mean.
      • 1 indicates that the model explains all the variability of the response data around its mean.
    • Mean Squared Error — This is the mean of the squared difference of predicted and true targets.
    • Mean Absolute Error — This is the mean of the absolute difference of predicted and true targets.
    • Median Absolute Error — This is the median of the absolute difference between predicted and true targets.
    The computed metrics for Binary Classification are:
    • Accuracy — Calculates the proportion of correctly classifies cases - both Positive and Negative. For example, if there are a total of TP (True Positives)+TN (True Negatives) correctly classified cases out of TP+TN+FP+FN (True Positives+True Negatives+False Positives+False Negatives) cases, then the formula is:

      Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)

    • Balanced Accuracy — Evaluates how good a binary classifier is. It is especially useful when the classes are imbalanced, that is, when one of the two classes appears a lot more often than the other. This often happens in many settings such as Anomaly Detection etc.
    • ROC AUC (Area under the ROC Curve) — Provides an aggregate measure of discrimination regardless of the decision threshold. AUC - ROC curve is a performance measurement for the classification problems at various threshold settings.
    • Recall — Calculates the proportion of actual Positives that is correctly classified.
    • Precision — Calculates the proportion of predicted Positives that is True Positive.
    • F1 Score — Combines precision and recall into a single number. F1-score is computed using harmonic mean which is calculated by the formula:

      F1-score = 2 × (precision × recall)/(precision + recall)

    The computed metrics for Multi-class Classification are:

    • Accuracy
    • Balanced Accuracy
    • Macro_F1
    • Macro_Precision
    • Macro_Recall
    • Weighted_F1
    • Weighted_Precision
    • Weighted_Recall
  • Prediction Statistics — Scroll further down to view the Prediction Statistics section. The computed prediction statistic is plotted along the y axis, and the time period is plotted along the x axis. In this screenshot, the Population Stability Index for the Generalized Linear Model — Regression model GLMR_0E58D990CD for 10/30/10 is displayed. Hover your cursor on other points on the line to view the computed metric.

    Figure 8-13 Prediction Statistics

    Prediction Statistics

    Click on the drop-down list to view all the prediction statistics. The statistics of the predictions of the model vary according to the type of model.

    For Regression, the computed prediction statistics are:
    • Population Stability Index — This is a measure of how much a population has shifted over time or between two different samples of a population in a single number. The two distributions are binned into buckets, and PSI compares the percents of items in each of the buckets. PSI is computed as

      PSI = sum((Actual_% - Expected_%) x ln (Actual_% / Expected_%))

      The interpretation of PSI value is:
      • PSI < 0.1 implies no significant population change
      • 0.1 <= PSI < 0.2 implies moderate population change
      • PSI >= 0.2 implies significant population change
    • Min — This is the lowest value of the computed statistics for the analysis period.
    • Mean — This is the average value of the computed statistics for the analysis period.
    • Max — This is the highest value of the computed statistics for the analysis period.
    • Standard Deviation — This is the value that shows how much variation from the mean exists.
    For Binary Classification, the computed prediction statistics are:
    • Population Stability Index
    • Mean
    • Min
    • Max
    • Standard Deviation
    • Bin Distribution of prediction probabilities
    • Class distribution
    For Multi-class Classification, the computed prediction statistics are:
    • Population Stability Index
    • Class Distribution

2. Model Monitor Details

You can view the details of each feature of the model by clicking on the model name. These details include the Feature Impact chart, Prediction Distribution and the Predictive Impact versus Drift Importance chart. In this example, the model GLM_8959AF817 is selected.

Figure 8-14 Model selection for details

Model selection for details
The computed results are displayed on a separate pane that slides in. You can select up to 3 analysis periods comparison. You also have the option to hide or show the baseline details. The computed details of the model features are:
  • Feature Impact — The Feature Impact chart computes the impact of each feature in the model for the specified time. The chart also the gives you the option to view the feature impact on a linear scale as well as on a logarithmic scale. Hover your mouse over the chart to view the details - Feature Name, Date, and Feature Impact.
    • Click Log Scale to view the feature impact computation on a logarithmic scale.
    • Click line chart to view the feature impact computation in a line graph.
    • Click table to view the feature impact computation in a table.
    • Click Limit the most impactful features to drop down list to select a value.

    Figure 8-15 Viewing Feature Impact on a liner scale

    Viewing the Feature Impact chart

    In this screenshot, the feature GLOBAL_INTENSITY, that is, the global minute-averaged current intensity of the household electric consumption is seen to have the maximum impact on the model GLM_8959AF817 as compared to the other features. Click on Log Scale to view feature impact computation on a logarithmic scale, as shown in the screenshot below. Click X on the top right corner of the pane to exit.

    Figure 8-16 Viewing Feature Impact on a Logarithmic Scale

    View feature impact on a logarithmic scale
  • Prediction Distribution — Scroll down to view the Prediction Distribution. Prediction Distribution is plotted for each analysis period. The Baseline data is displayed, if selected. The bins are plotted along X-axis, and the values are plotted along the Y-axis. Hover your mouse over each histogram to view the computed details. Click X on the top right corner of the pane to exit.

    Figure 8-17 Prediction Distribution

    Prediction Distribution
  • Predictive Impact vs Drift Importance — Scroll further down the pane to view the Prediction Impact versus Drift Importance chart. This chart helps in understanding how the most impactful features drift over time. Drift Feature Importance is plotted along the Y-axis and Prediction Feature Impact is plotted along the X-axis. Click X on the top right corner of the pane to exit.


    The Prediction Impact vs Drift Importance chart is computed only if you select the Monitor Data option while creating the model monitor.

    Figure 8-18 Predictive Feature Impact versus Drift Importance

    View Predictive versus Drift Importance

    In this screenshot, you can see that the feature GLOBAL_INTENSITY has the maximum impact on the selected predictive model GLM_8959AF817 as compared to the other features - SUB_METERING_3, GLOBAL_REACTIVE_POWER, VOLTAGE, and SUB-METERING_1.