Drop a User-Defined Python Function from the Repository

Use the oml.script.drop function to remove a user-defined Python function from the script repository.

The oml.script.drop function drops a user-defined Python function from the OML4Py script repository.

The syntax of the function is the following:

oml.script.drop(name, is_global=False, silent=False)

The name argument is a string that specifies the name of the user-defined Python function in the script repository.

The is_global argument is a boolean that specifies whether the user-defined Python function to drop is a global or a private user-defined Python function. The default value is False, which indicates a private user-defined Python function.

The silent argument is a boolean that specifies whether to display an error message when oml.script.drop encounters an error in dropping the specified user-defined Python function. The default value is False.

Example 12-14 Using the oml.script.drop Function

This example drops user-defined Python functions the MYLM private user-defined Python function and the GLBLM global user-defined Python function from the script repository. For the creation of the user-defined Python functions, see Example 12-11.

import oml

# List the available user-defined Python functions.

# Drop the private user-defined Python function.

# Drop the global user-defined Python function.
oml.script.drop("GLBLM", is_global=True)

# List the available user-defined Python functions again.

Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> # List the available user-defined Python functions.
... oml.script.dir(sctype="all")
     OWNER   NAME                                             SCRIPT
0   PYQSYS  GLBLM  def build_lm2(dat):\n  from sklearn import lin...
1 OML_USER   MYLM  def build_lm1(dat):\n  from sklearn import lin...
>>> # Drop the private user-defined Python function.
... oml.script.drop("MYLM")
>>> # Drop the global user-defined Python function.
... oml.script.drop("GLBLM", is_global=True)
>>> # List the available user-defined Python functions again.
... oml.script.dir(sctype="all")
Empty DataFrame
Index: []