Load a User-Defined Python Function

Use the oml.script.load function to load a user-defined Python function from the script repository into a Python session.

The syntax of the function is the following:

oml.script.load(name, owner=None)

The name argument is a string that specifies the name of the user-defined Python function to load from the OML4Py script repository.

The optional owner argument is a string that specifies the owner of the user-defined Python function or None (the default). If owner=None, then this function finds and loads the user-defined Python function that matches name in the following order:

  1. A user-defined Python function that the current user created.

  2. A global user-defined Python function that was created by another user.

The oml.script.load function returns an oml.script.script.Callable object that references the named user-defined Python function.

Example 12-13 Using the oml.script.load Function

This example loads user-defined Python functions from the script repository and pulls them to the local Python session. For the creation of the user-defined Python functions, see Example 12-11.

import oml

# Load the MYLM and GLBLM user-defined Python functions.
MYLM = oml.script.load(name="MYLM")
GMYLM = oml.script.load(name="GLBLM")

# Pull the models to the local Python session.

Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> # Load the MYLM and GLBLM user-defined Python functions.
>>> MYLM = oml.script.load(name="MYLM")
>>> GMYLM = oml.script.load(name="GLBLM")
>>> # Pull the models to the local Python session.
... MYLM(oml_iris.pull()).coef_
array([[ 0.49588894, 0.82924391, -0.31515517, -0.72356196, -1.02349781]])
>>> GMYLM(oml_iris.pull())
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1,