1.6 Oracle Machine Learning for R Global Options

OML4R has global options that affect various functions.

Table 1-2 lists the OML4R global options and descriptions of them.

Table 1-2 OML4R Global Options

Global Description


A logical value that specifies whether an environment referenced in an object should be replaced with an empty environment during serialization to an Oracle Database. When TRUE, the referenced environment in the object is replaced with an empty environment whose parent is .GlobalEnv, and the objects in the original referenced environment are not serialized. In some cases, this can significantly reduce the size of serialized objects. When FALSE, all of the objects in the referenced environment are serialized, and can be unserialized and loaded into memory. The default value for this option is FALSE.

The following OML4R functions use this global option:

  • ore.push, in saving a serialized list object to the database

  • ore.save, in saving objects to an OML4R datastore

  • ore.doEval and the other embedded R execution functions for serializing parameters of list type and for serializing some objects returned by an R function during embedded R execution


A logical value used during logical subscripting of an ore.frame or ore.vector object. When TRUE, rows or elements with an NA logical subscript produce rows or elements with NA values, which mimics how R treats missing value logical subscripting of data.frame and vector objects.

When FALSE, an NA logical subscript is interpreted as a FALSE value, resulting in the removal of the corresponding row or element. The default value is FALSE.


A preferred degree of parallelism to use in embedded R execution. One of the following:

  • A positive integer greater than or equal to 2 for a specific degree of parallelism

  • FALSE or 1 for no parallelism

  • TRUE for the default parallelism of the data argument

  • NULL for the database default for the operation

The default value is NULL.


A character string that specifies the separator to use between multiple column row names of an ore.frame. The default value is |.


A logical value that specifies whether iterative OML4R functions should print output at each iteration. The default value is FALSE.


A logical value that specifies whether OML4R displays a warning message when an ore.frame that lacks row names or an ore.vector that lacks element names is used in a function that requires ordering. The default value is TRUE.

See Also: