Use the RALG_DETAILS_FORMAT setting to specify the names and column types in the model view.

The value of the setting is a string that contains a SELECT statement to specify a list of numeric and string scalar data types for the name and type of the model view columns.

When the RALG_DETAILS_FORMAT and RALG_DETAILS_FUNCTION settings are both specified, a model view by the name DM$VD <model_name> is created along with an R model in the current schema. The first column of the model view is PARTITION_NAME. It has the value NULL for non-partitioned models. The other columns of the model view are defined by RALG_DETAILS_FORMAT setting.

Example 6-6 Example of RALG_DETAILS_FORMAT

This example shows how to specify the name and type of the columns for the generated model view. The model view contains the varchar2 column attr_name and the number column coef_value after the first column partition_name.
insert into model_setting_table values
(dbms_data_mining.ralg_details_format, 'select cast(''a'' as varchar2(20)) as attr_name, 0 as coef_value from dual');

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