The RALG_DETAILS_FUNCTION specifies the R model metadata that is returned in the R data.frame.

Use the RALG_DETAILS_FUNCTION to specify an existing registered R script that generates model information. The script defines an R function that contains the first input argument for the R model object. The output of the R function must be a data.frame. The columns of the data.frame are defined by the RALG_DETAILS_FORMAT setting, and may contain only numeric or string scalar types.

Example 6-5 Example of RALG_DETAILS_FUNCTION

This example shows how to specify the name of the R script MY_LM_DETAILS_SCRIPT in the model settings table. This script defines the R function that is used to provide the model information.
insert into model_setting_table values
(dbms_data_mining.ralg_details_function, 'MY_LM_DETAILS_SCRIPT');
In the Oracle Machine Learning for R script repository, the script MY_LM_DETAILS_SCRIPT is registered as:
 'function(mod) data.frame(name=names(mod$coefficients),