Specify Model Settings

You can configure your model by specifying model settings.

Numerous configuration settings are available for configuring machine learning models at build time. Specify your model settings in CREATE_MODEL or CREATE_MODEL2 procedures. To specify settings in CREATE_MODEL procedure, create a settings table with the columns shown in the following table and pass the table to in the procedure.

You can also use CREATE_MODEL2 procedure where you can directly pass the model settings to a variable that can be used in the procedure. The variable can be declared with DBMS_DATA_MINING.SETTING_LIST procedure.

Table 6-1 Settings Table Required Columns

Column Name Data Type





Example 6-1 creates a settings table for a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification model. Since SVM is not the default classifier, the ALGO_NAME setting is used to specify the algorithm. Setting the SVMS_KERNEL_FUNCTION to SVMS_LINEAR causes the model to be built with a linear kernel. If you do not specify the kernel function, the algorithm chooses the kernel based on the number of attributes in the data.

Example 6-2 creates a model with the model settings that are stored in a variable from SETTING_LIST.

Some settings apply generally to the model, others are specific to an algorithm. Model settings are referenced in Table 6-2 and Table 6-3.

Table 6-2 General Model Settings

Settings Description

Machine learning function settings

Machine Learning Technique Settings

Algorithm names

Algorithm Names

Global model characteristics

Global Settings

Automatic Data Preparation

Automatic Data Preparation


Some XGBoost objectives apply only to classification function models and other objectives apply only to regression function models. If you specify an incompatible objective value, an error is raised. In the DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL procedure, if you specify DBMS_DATA_MINING.CLASSIFICATION as the function, then the only objective values that you can use are the binary and multi values. The one exception is binary: logitraw, which produces a continuous value and applies only to a regression model. If you specify DBMS_DATA_MINING.REGRESSION as the function, then you can specify binary: logitraw or any of the count, rank, reg, and survival values as the objective.

The values for the XGBoost objective setting are listed in the Settings for Learning Tasks table in DBMS_DATA_MINING — Algorithm Settings: XGBoost.

Example 6-1 Creating a Settings Table and Creating an SVM Classification Model Using CREATE.MODEL procedure

CREATE TABLE svmc_sh_sample_settings (
  setting_name VARCHAR2(30),
  setting_value VARCHAR2(4000));

  INSERT INTO svmc_sh_sample_settings (setting_name, setting_value) VALUES
    (dbms_data_mining.algo_name, dbms_data_mining.algo_support_vector_machines);
  INSERT INTO svmc_sh_sample_settings (setting_name, setting_value) VALUES
    (dbms_data_mining.svms_kernel_function, dbms_data_mining.svms_linear);
-- Create the model using the specified settings 
    model_name          => 'svm_model',
    mining_function     => dbms_data_mining.classification,
    data_table_name     => 'mining_data_build_v',
    case_id_column_name => 'cust_id',
    target_column_name  => 'affinity_card',
    settings_table_name => 'svmc_sh_sample_settings');

Example 6-2 Specify Model Settings for a SVM Classification Model Using CREATE_MODEL2 procedure

    v_setlist('PREP_AUTO') := 'ON';
        MODEL_NAME          => 'SVM_MODEL',
        DATA_QUERY          => 'select * from mining_data_build_v',
        SET_LIST            => v_setlist,