Application Programming Interface

ODP.NET EF Core supports standard EF Core application programming interfaces. The provider contains additional extension methods specific to the provider.

DatabaseFacade Class

ODP.NET EF Core contains additional extension methods and changes to method default behavior for the DatabaseFacade class.


This method returns true if ODP.NET is the currently used database provider.

// C#
public static bool IsOracle()

Returns a bool value.


The provider is only known after the provider is set in the DbContext.


This property ensures that the tables for the schema defined in the current context exists.


// C#
public static bool EnsureCreated()

Return Value

A bool


If any of the tables in the schema exist, then no action is taken. Pre-existing tables are not checked for compatibility with the EF Core context model.

If none of the tables in the schema exist, then all the defined context model objects are created.

If the user/schema specified in the connection string does not exist, then an error is thrown and no action is taken to create the user/schema. The administrator must create the user/schema and assign the appropriate privileges prior to using this method.

The return value is true if all the objects defined in the context are created. It is false if any of the tables for the schema already exist.


NotSupportedException() is thrown when a non-existent user/schema is specified in the connection string.

Type: NotSupportedException()

Message: Required user does not exist or invalid user name/password provided


This property ensures that the tables for the specified schemas in the string array exist.


// C#
public static bool EnsureCreated (string[] schemas)


  • schemas – List of schemas to check for the EF Core context’s pre-existing tables. Schema names are case-sensitive.

Return Value

A bool


If any of the tables in the string array schema list exists, then no action is taken. Pre-existing tables are not checked for compatibility with the EF Core context model.

If none of the tables in the string array schema list exist, then all the defined context model objects are created.

If the user/schema specified in the connection string does not exist, then an error is thrown and no action is taken to create the user/schema. The administrator must create the user/schema and assign the appropriate privileges prior to using this method.

If the schemas passed to this method does not include the user/schema specified in the connection string, then that schema is implicitly added to the array of schemas.

If the array of schemas is null or length zero, then the DatabaseFacade.EnsureCreated() API is called.

The return value is true if all the objects defined in the context are created. It is false if any of the tables for the schema already exist.


NotSupportedException() is thrown when a non-existent user/schema is specified in the connection string.

Type: NotSupportedException()

Message: Required user does not exist or invalid user name/password provided

Sample Code

using (var db = DbContext())
    db.Database.EnsureCreated(new string[]{"SCOTT", "HR", "EFUser"});


This property ensures that all the schema user's created objects are deleted.


// C#
public static bool EnsureDeleted()

Return Value

A bool


If none of the EF Core context model objects exist, no action is taken. If any of the objects exist, then all the user/schema objects are dropped, except for Oracle data dictionary objects.

Warning: The dropped objects include schema objects outside of the EF Core context model, as long as the user/schema has privileges to drop those objects.

If the schema defined in the current context does not exist, then no action is taken.

The return value is true if an attempt is made to drop all user created objects related to the schema in the current context. It is false if the schema specified in the connection string does not exist.


This property ensures that the user/schema objects for the specified schemas in the string array are deleted.


// C#
public static bool EnsureCreated (string[] schemas)


  • schemas – List of schemas to drop user generated objects. Schema names are case-sensitive.

Return Value

A bool


If any of the objects exist, then all the user/schema objects are dropped, except for Oracle data dictionary objects. If none of the EF Core context model objects exist, no action is taken. If the schemas passed to this method does not include the user/schema specified in the connection string, then that schema is implicitly added to the array of schemas.

Warning: The dropped objects include schema objects outside of the EF Core context model, as long as the user/schema has privileges to drop those objects.

If the specified schemas do not exist, then no action is taken.

The return value is true if an attempt is made to drop all user created objects that the user has privilege to in the specified schemas. It is false if the schema specified in the connection string does not exist.

Sample Code

using (var db = DbContext())
    db.Database.EnsureDeleted(new string[]{"SCOTT", "HR", "EFUser"});

DbContextOptionsBuilder Class

ODP.NET EF Core contains additional extension methods and changes to method default behavior for the DbContextOptionsBuilder class.


This extension method sets the provider and database connection configuration to connect to Oracle Database. Developers can set any connection string attributes that are available in ODP.NET Core. The available method overloads that can be called are as follows:

  • UseOracle(string connectionString)
  • UseOracle(string connectionString, Action<OracleDbContextOptionsBuilder> oracleOptionsAction = null)
  • UseOracle(DbConnection connection, Action<OracleDbContextOptionsBuilder> oracleOptionsAction = null)
  • DbContextOptionsBuilder<TContext> UseOracle<TContext>(string connectionString, Action<OracleDbContextOptionsBuilder> oracleOptionsAction = null)
  • DbContextOptionsBuilder<TContext> UseOracle<TContext>(DbConnection connection,Action<OracleDbContextOptionsBuilder> oracleOptionsAction = null)

UseOracle(string connectionString)

This extension method sets the provider and database connection configuration. Developers can set any connection string attributes that are available in ODP.NET Core.

// C#
optionsBuilder.UseOracle(@"User Id=blog;Password=<password>;Data Source=pdborcl;");


  • optionsBuilder is of type DbContextOptionsBuilder.

  • Do not use Oracle built-in accounts to store Entity Framework Migrations.

UseOracleSQLCompatibility(string version)

This extension method specifies the database version generated SQL should be compatible with.

This method accepts either a value of "11" or "12" (default). By default, generated SQL is compatible with database version 12 and higher. Customers using Oracle Database version 11.2 should set UseOracleSQLCompatibility("11").

// C#
optionsBuilder.UseOracle("User Id=hr;Password=<password>;Data Source = inst1", b =>


optionsBuilder is of type DbContextOptionsBuilder.

When UseOracleSQLCompatibility is set to “11”, by convention, it will always use sequences and triggers no matter the UseOracleIdentityColumn() setting.

ModelBuilder Class

ODP.NET EF Core contains additional extension methods and changes to method default behavior for the ModelBuilder class.


This extension method specifies whether the column is an identity column or have it associated with a sequence and a trigger to have a server generated column value, depending on the value passed to UseOracleSQLCompatibility(). By default, columns do not have this extension method enabled.

// C #
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>().Property(p => p.Id).UseOracleIdentityColumn();

Using Identity Columns, Sequences, and Triggers

Oracle databases allow only one identity column to be set per table. And that column is generally used as the primary key. As primary keys must be unique, by EF Core convention, its column will be an identity column or sequence/trigger column.

For non-primary key columns, the below matrix indicates column behavior based on the UseOracleSQLCompatibility and UseOracleIdentityColumn values and the Oracle database version.

For UseOacleSQLCompatibility=11:

Database Version

UseOacleSQLCompatibility=11 UseOracleIdentityColumn=Enabled

UseOracleSQLCompatibility=11 UseOracleIdentityColumn=Disabled


Uses sequences and triggers

No operation

12 and later

Uses sequences and triggers

No operation

For UseOracleSQLCompatibility=12:

Database Version

UseOracleSQLCompatibility=12 UseOracleIdentityColumn=Enabled

UseOracleSQLCompatibility=12 UseOracleIdentityColumn=Disabled (Default)


Not allowed/Error

No operation

12 and later

Uses identity

No operation

In general, developers would employ UseOacleSQLCompatibility and UseOracleIdentityColumn for the purposes of backward compatibility to earlier Oracle database versions and/or keep behavior consistent with earlier versions.