E Deprecated Content Repository API for Java

Oracle XML DB Content Connector implements Content Repository API for Java (also known as JCR), a Java API standard developed by the Java community as JSR-170. You can access Oracle XML DB Repository using Oracle XML DB Content Connector.


Oracle XML DB Content Connector is deprecated, starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 ( Java standard JSR-170 has been replaced by JSR-283 Content Repository for Java Technology Version 2.0.

E.1 About the Content Repository API for Java (JCR)

JCR 1.0 defines a standard Java API for applications to interact with content repositories. A content repository is a tree of nodes, each of which can have one or more child nodes. Each node has exactly one parent node, except for the root node, which has no parent.

In addition to child nodes, a node may also have one or more properties. A property is a simple name/value pair. For example, a node representing a particular file in the content repository has a property named jcr:created whose value is the date the file was created.

Each property has a property type. For example, the jcr:created property has the DATE property type, requiring its value to be a valid date/time.

Similarly, each node has a node type. For example, a node representing a file has node type nt:file. The node type controls what child nodes and properties the node may have or must have. For example, all nodes of type nt:file must have a jcr:created property.

Because nodes and properties are named, they can be addressed by path. JCR supports both absolute and relative paths. For example, the absolute path

/My Documents/pictures/puppy.jpg/jcr:created

resolves to the jcr:created property of file puppy.jpg. This property can also be addressed relative to the My Documents folder by the following relative path:


Node and property names can be namespace qualified. Like XML, JCR uses colon-delimited namespace prefixes to express namespace-qualified names, for example, jcr:created. Unlike XML, JCR records the namespace prefix-to-URI mappings in a repository-wide namespace registry, which, for example, maps the jcr prefix to the URI http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0.

See Also:

JSR 170: Content Repository for Java technology API. Chapter 4 of this specification provides a concise introduction to JCR 1.0.

E.2 About Oracle XML DB Content Connector

Oracle XML DB Content Connector lets you access Oracle XML DB Repository using JCR 1.0 Java. Your applications can run either in a standalone Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or a J2EE container. Files and folders in the repository are represented as JCR nodes (and properties of those nodes).

You can create, retrieve, and update repository files and folders using the JCR APIs.


Using Oracle XML DB Content Connector in the database Oracle JVM (the Java Virtual Machine available within a database process) is not supported. To use the content connector in the database tier, you must use either a standalone Java Virtual Machine or a J2EE container.

E.3 How Oracle XML DB Repository Is Exposed in JCR

Oracle XML DB Content Connector represents data in Oracle XML DB Repository as JCR nodes and properties. Files and folders are represented as nodes of type nt:file and nt:folder, respectively. Their content and metadata is exposed as nodes of node type nt:resource.

E.4 CLASSPATH for Oracle XML DB Content Connector

Oracle XML DB Content Connector requires certain entries in environment variable CLASSPATH.

  • $ORACLE_HOME/lib/jcr-1.0.jar

  • $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ojcr.jar

  • $ORACLE_HOME/lib/xmlparserv2.jar

  • $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/xquery.jar

E.5 Obtaining the JCR Repository Object

In Oracle XML DB Content Connector, oracle.jcr.OracleRepository implements JCR interface javax.jcr.Repository, which provides the entry point for a JCR repository. You can use it to obtain a Repository object for Oracle XML DB Repository.

The code fragment in Example E-1 illustrates this.

OracleRepository implements both java.io.Serializable and javax.naming.Referenceable. This lets you create and configure an OracleRepository object upon application deployment, and store the ready-to-use OracleRepository object in a JNDI directory. At run-time, your application can retrieve the preconfigured OracleRepository object from the JNDI directory. This approach, recommended by the JCR specification, separates deployment and run-time concerns.

In Oracle XML DB Content Connector, the set of prefix-to-URI mappings forming the JCR namespace registry is stored as part of the OracleRepository configuration.

See Also:

Oracle Database XML Java API Reference, package oracle.jcr

Example E-1 Code Fragment Showing How to Get a Repository Object

import oracle.jcr.OracleRepository;
import oracle.jcr.OracleRepositoryFactory;
import oracle.jcr.xdb.XDBRepositoryConfiguration;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
XDBRepositoryConfiguration configuration =
  new XDBRepositoryConfiguration();
OracleDataSource ods =
// databaseURL is a JDBC database URL.
// OracleRepository implements javax.jcr.Repository.
OracleRepository repository =

E.6 Java Code to Upload a File to the Repository using Oracle XML DB Content Connector

You can use Oracle XML DB Content Connector to upload a file from the local file system to Oracle XML DB Repository.

Example E-2 is a Java program that illustrates this. You can compile and run it from the command line. The program requires the following command-line arguments:

  • JDBC database URL

  • User ID

  • User password

  • Folder in Oracle XML DB Repository into which to upload the file

  • File to be uploaded

  • MIME type

Example E-3 illustrates this.

Example E-2 Uploading a File Using Oracle XML DB Content Connector

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
import oracle.jcr.OracleRepository;
import oracle.jcr.OracleRepositoryFactory;
import oracle.jcr.xdb.XDBRepositoryConfiguration;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
public class UploadFile
  public static void main(String[] args)
    throws Exception
    String databaseURL = args[0];
    String userName = args[1];
    String password = args[2];
    String parentPath = args[3];
    String fileName = args[4];
    String mimeType = args[5];
    // Get the JCR Repository object.
    XDBRepositoryConfiguration configuration =
      new XDBRepositoryConfiguration();
    OracleDataSource ods =
    OracleRepository repository =
    // Create a JCR Session.
    SimpleCredentials sc =  
      new SimpleCredentials(userName, password.toCharArray());
    Session session = repository.login(sc);
    // Get the parent node.
    Node parentNode = (Node)session.getItem(parentPath);
    // Get the child contents.
    FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    // Create child node.
    Node node = parentNode.addNode(fileName, "nt:file");
    Node contentNode = node.getNode("jcr:content");
    contentNode.setProperty("jcr:mimeType", mimeType);
    contentNode.setProperty("jcr:data", inputStream);
    // Save changes and logout.
// EOF

Example E-3 Uploading a File Using the Command Line

export CLASSPATH=.:$ORACLE_HOME/lib/jcr-1.0.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ojcr.jar:Foot 1

javac UploadFile.java
java UploadFile jdbc:oracle:oci:@ quine password /public MyFile.txt text/plain

E.7 Additional JCR Code Examples

You can find additional sample JCR code at $ORACLE_HOME/xdk/demo/java/jcr. For each code sample, a README file describes its purpose and use.

E.8 Oracle XML DB Content Connector Uses the Standard Java Logging API

Oracle XML DB Content Connector uses the standard java.util.logging framework. You can use the logging API provided by that framework to control logging behavior.

For example, the following Java code fragment disables all logging.

import java.util.logging.LogManager;

E.9 Supported JCR Compliance Levels

The JSR-170 standard, which defines JCR version 1.0, defines two compliance levels and a set of optional features. Oracle XML DB Content Connector supports Level 1 (read functions) and Level 2 (write functions).

E.10 Oracle XML DB Content Connector Restrictions

Certain restrictions apply to Oracle XML DB Content Connector.

E.11 XML Schemas and JCR

Oracle XML DB Content Connector can create JCR node types from XML schemas.

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1:

This statement is split across two lines for the purpose of documentation.