30 Using the XPath Processor for C++

An explanation is given of how to use the XPath processor for C++.


Use the unified C++ application programming interface (API) in xml.hpp for Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK) applications. The older, nonunified C++ API in oraxml.hpp is deprecated and supported only for backward compatibility. It will be removed in a future release.


30.1 XPath Interfaces

The XPath interfaces are described.

Processor Interface—basic XPath processor interface to which any XPath processor must conform.

CompProcessor Interface—extended XPath processor that adds an ability to use XPath expressions precompiled into an internal binary representation. In this release this interface represents Oracle virtual machine interface.

Compiler Interface—XPath compiler into binary representation.

NodeSetRef Interface—defines references to node sets when they are returned by the XPath expression evaluation.

XPathException Interface—exceptions for XPath compilers and processors.

XPathObject Interface—interface for XPath 1.0 objects.

30.2 Sample Programs

Sample programs are located in xdk/demo/cpp/new.

The programs XslXPathSample and XvmXPathSample have sources:

XslXPathSampleGen.hpp, XslXPathSampleGen.cpp, XslXPathSampleMain.cpp, XslXPathSampleForce.cpp;

and XvmXPathSampleGen.hpp, XvmXPathSampleGen.cpp, XvmXPathSampleMain.cpp, XvmXPathSampleForce.cpp.

See Also:

Oracle Database XML C++ API Reference package XPATH APIs for C++