
This method returns a collection of users that match the specified user name.


// C#
public override MembershipUserCollection FindUsersByEmail(string userNameToMatch,
  int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords);


  • userNameToMatch

    The user name to search for.

  • pageIndex

    The zero-based index of the returned results page.

  • pageSize

    The size of the returned results page.

  • totalRecords

    The total number of matched users.

Return Value

Returns a MembershipUserCollection object that contains MembershipUser objects.


ArgumentException - One of the following conditions exists:

  • The userNameToMatch parameter is an empty string, contains a comma, or is longer than 256 characters.

  • The pageIndex parameter is less than 0.

  • The pageSize parameter is less than 1 or the page upper bound is larger than Int32.MaxValue.


The page lower bound is (pageIndex * pageSize) and the page upper bound is (pageIndex *pageSize) + (pageSize - 1).

ArgumentNullException - The userNameToMatch, pageIndex, pageSize, or totalRecords parameter is null.


Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed from the userNameToMatch parameter value.

The results returned by the FindUsersByName method are constrained by the pageIndex and pageSize parameters. The pageSize parameter identifies the maximum number of MembershipUser objects to return in the MembershipUserCollection object. The pageIndex parameter identifies which page of results to return. Zero identifies the first page, as the value is zero-based. The totalRecords parameter is an out parameter for the total number of users that matched the userNameToMatch value.

The OracleMembershipProvider class supports extensive search by accepting the percent character (%) as a wildcard.