
This method generates a random password that is at least 14 characters in length.


// C#
public virtual string GeneratePassword( );

Return Value

A random string for a password that is at least 14 characters in length.


The OracleMembershipProvider object calls the GeneratePassword method to get a randomly generated password that is at least 14 characters but less than 128 characters in length.

The generated password contains only alphanumeric characters and the following punctuation marks: !@#$%^&*()_-+=[{]};:<>|./?. No hidden or non-printable control characters are included in the generated password.

If the value specified for MinRequiredPasswordLength property is greater than 14, then the length of the password returned by the GeneratePassword property is the value of the MinRequiredPasswordLength property. Otherwise, the length is 14 characters.

The random password generated by the GeneratePassword method is not guaranteed to pass the regular expression in the PasswordStrengthRegularExpression property. However, the random password meets the criteria established by the MinRequiredPasswordLength and MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters properties.