
A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  X  


  • ADR 1
    • ADRC utility 1
    • base location 1
  • ADRCI 1 , 2
  • ADR Command Interpreter 1
  • Agent class 1
  • AnyData class 1
    • methods 1
    • supported data type 1
    • usage examples 1
  • application managed data buffering 1
  • application-provided serialization 1
  • associative access
  • atomic null 1
  • attributes 1
  • automatic diagnostic repository (ADR) 1
  • automatic serialization 1


  • BatchSQLException
  • BatchSQLException class 1
  • Bfile class 1
  • BFILEs
    • external data type 1
  • bind operations
    • in bind operations 1
    • out bind operations 1
  • Blob class 1
  • BLOBs
    • external data type 1
  • Bytes class 1


  • callable statements 1
    • with arrays as parameters 1
  • CASE OTT parameter 1
  • CHAR
    • external data type 1
  • classes
    • Agent class 1
    • AnyData class 1
    • BatchSQLException class 1
    • Bfile class 1
    • Blob class 1
    • Bytes class 1
    • Clob class 1
    • Connection class 1
    • ConnectionPool class 1
    • Consumer class 1
    • Date class 1
    • Environment class 1
    • IntervalDS class 1
    • IntervalYM class 1
    • Listener class 1
    • Map class 1
    • Message class 1
    • Metadata class 1
    • NotifyResult class 1
    • Number class 1
    • PObject class 1
    • Producer class 1
    • RefAny class 1
    • Ref class 1
    • ResultSet class 1 , 2
    • SQLException class 1
    • StatelessConnectionPool class 1
    • Statement class 1
    • Stream class 1
    • Subscription class 1
    • Timestamp class 1
  • Client Result Cache 1
  • Clob class 1
  • CLOBs
    • external data type 1
  • CODE OTT parameter 1
  • collections
    • working with 1
  • committing a transaction 1
  • complex object retrieval
  • complex objects 1
  • CONFIG OTT parameter 1
  • configuration files
    • and the OTT utility 1
  • connecting to a database 1
  • Connection class 1
  • connection pool
    • createConnectionPool method 1
    • creating 1 , 2
  • ConnectionPool class 1
  • connection pooling 1
    • transparent application failover 1
  • Consumer class 1
  • control statements 1


  • database
    • connecting to 1
  • database resident connection pooling 1
  • data buffering 1
  • data conversion
    • Date 1
    • DATE data type 1
    • internal data type 1
    • Interval 1
    • INTERVAL data type 1
    • LOB data type 1
    • LOBs 1
    • Timestamp 1
    • TIMESTAMP data type 1
  • data type
    • AnyData 1
    • external data type 1 , 2
    • internal data type 1
    • internal data types 1
    • OTT mappings 1
    • overview 1
  • data types 1
  • DATE
    • external data type 1
      • data conversion 1
  • Date class 1
  • DDL statements
  • depth level 1
  • DML statements



  • fault diagnosability 1
  • Fault Diagnosability
  • fields
    • IntervalDS class 1
    • IntervalYM class 1
    • Timestamp fields 1
    • external data type 1


  • HFILE OTT parameter 1


  • identity column metadata 1
  • index-organized table 1
  • Instant Client 1
  • Instant Client Light (English) 1
    • character sets 1
    • errors 1
    • globalization settings 1
    • installation 1
      • Client Admin Install 1
      • Oracle Universal Installer 1
      • OTN download 1
    • using 1
    • external data type 1
  • internal data type 1
    • external data type 1
  • IntervalDS class 1
    • external data type 1
  • IntervalYM class 1
  • INTYPE file
    • structure of 1
  • INTYPE OTT parameter 1


  • Listener class 1
  • LOBs
    • external data type
      • data conversion 1
  • LONG
    • external data type 1
    • external data type 1
    • external data type 1


  • manipulating object attributes 1
  • Map class 1
  • Message class 1
  • metadata
    • argument and result attributes 1
    • attribute groupings 1
      • argument and result attributes 1
      • collection attributes 1
      • column attributes 1
      • database attributes 1
      • list attributes 1
      • package attributes 1
      • parameter attributes 1
      • procedure, function, and subprogram attributes 1
      • schema attributes 1
      • sequence attributes 1
      • synonym attributes 1
      • table and view attributes 1
      • type attribute attributes 1
      • type attributes 1
      • type method attributes 1
    • attributes 1
    • code example 1
    • collection attributes 1
    • column attributes 1
    • database attributes 1
    • describing database objects 1
    • list attributes 1
    • overview 1
    • package attributes 1
    • parameter attributes 1
    • procedure, function, and subprogram attributes 1
    • schema attributes 1
    • sequence attributes 1
    • synonym attributes 1
    • table and view attributes 1
    • type attribute attributes 1
    • type attributes 1
    • type methods attributes 1
  • MetaData class 1
  • methods 1
    • Agent methods 1
    • AnyData methods 1
    • BatchSQLException methods 1
    • Bfile methods 1
    • Blob methods 1
    • Bytes methods 1
    • Clob methods 1
    • Connection methods 1
    • ConnectionPool methods 1
    • Consumer methods 1
    • createConnection method 1
    • createConnectionPool method 1
    • createEnvironment method 1
    • createProxyConnection method 1
    • createStatement method 1
    • Date methods 1
    • Environment class 1
    • executeArrayUpdate method 1 , 2
    • execute method 1
    • executeQuery method 1
    • IntervalDS methods 1
    • IntervalYM class 1
    • Listener methods 1
    • Map methods 1 , 2
    • Message methods 1
    • MetaData class 1
    • NotifyResult methods 1
    • Number class 1
    • PObject methods 1
    • Producer methods 1
    • RefAny methods 1
    • Ref methods 1
    • ResultSet methods 1
    • setDataBuffer method 1
    • SQLException methods 1
    • StatelessConnectionPool 1
    • Statement 1
    • Stream methods 1
    • Subscription methods 1
    • terminateConnection method 1
    • terminateEnvironment method 1
    • terminateStatement method 1
    • Timestamp methods 1
  • modifying rows iteratively 1


  • navigational access
  • NCLOBs
    • external data type 1
  • NEEDS_STREAM_DATA status 1 , 2
  • nonprocedural elements 1
  • nonreferenceable objects 1
  • NotifyResult class 1
  • nullness 1
    • external data type 1
  • Number class 1


  • object cache 1 , 2
  • object mode 1
  • object programming
  • object references
  • objects
  • object types 1
  • Object Type Translator utility
    • see OTT utility 1
  • OCCI
    • benefits 1
    • building applications 1
    • functionality 1
    • object mode 1
    • overview 1
    • special SQL terms 1
  • OCCI classes
    • Agent class 1
    • AnyData class 1
    • BatchSQLException class 1
    • Bfile class 1
    • Blob class 1
    • Bytes class 1
    • Clob class 1
    • Connection class 1
    • ConnectionPool class 1
    • Consumer class 1
    • Data class 1
    • Environment class 1
    • IntervalDS class 1
    • IntervalYM class 1
    • Listener class 1
    • Map class 1
    • Message class 1
    • MetaData class 1
    • NotifyResult class 1
    • Number class 1
    • PObject class 1
    • Producer class 1
    • RefAny class 1
    • Ref class 1
    • ResultSet class 1
    • SQLException class 1
    • StatelessConnectionPool class 1
    • Statement class 1
    • Stream class 1
    • Subscription class 1
    • Timestamp class 1
  • OCCI environment
  • OCCI program
  • OCCI program development 1
    • operational flow 1
    • program structure 1
  • OCCI types
    • data conversion 1
  • optimizing performance 1
    • setting prefetch count 1
  • OTT parameters
  • OTT parameter TRANSITIVE 1
  • OTT utility
    • benefits 1
    • creating types in the database 1
    • default name mapping 1
    • description 1
    • parameters 1
    • using 1
  • out bind variables 1
  • OUTTYPE OTT parameter 1


  • parameterized statements 1
  • performance
    • optimizing
      • executeArrayUpdate method 1
      • setDataBuffer method 1
  • performance tuning 1
    • application managed data buffering 1
    • array fetch using next() method 1
    • connection sharing 1
    • data buffering 1
    • reading and writing multiple LOBs 1
    • shared server environments 1
      • thread safety 1
    • thread safety 1
    • transparent application failover 1
  • persistent objects 1 , 2
    • creating 1
    • standalone objects 1
    • types
      • embedded objects 1
      • nonreferenceable objects 1
      • referenceable objects 1
      • standalone objects 1
  • pinning objects 1 , 2
  • PL/SQL
    • out bind variables 1
    • overview 1
  • pluggable databases
    • OCCI support for 1
  • PObject class 1
  • prefetch count
  • prefetch limit 1
  • PREPARED status 1 , 2
  • procedural elements 1
  • Producer class 1
  • proxy connections 1
    • using createProxyConnection method 1



  • RAW
    • external data type 1
  • REF
    • external data type 1
    • retrieving a reference to an object 1
  • RefAny class 1
  • Ref class 1
  • referenceable objects 1
  • relational programming
  • RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE status 1 , 2
  • ResultSet class 1 , 2
  • root object 1
    • external data type 1
  • rows
    • iterative modification 1
    • modify 1


  • SCHEMA_NAMES OTT parameter 1
  • shared connections
  • shared server environments
    • application-provided serialization 1
    • automatic serialization 1
    • concurrency 1
    • thread safety 1
      • implementing 1
  • SQLException class 1
  • sqlnet.ora 1
  • SQL statements
    • control statements 1
    • DML statements 1
    • processing of 1
    • queries 1
    • types
  • standalone objects 1
  • standard statements 1
  • StatelessConnectionPool class 1
  • statement caching 1
  • Statement class 1
  • statement handles
  • status
  • STREAM_DATA_AVAILABLE status 1 , 2
  • Stream class 1
  • streamed reads 1
  • streamed writes 1
    • external data type 1
  • Subscription class 1
  • substitutability 1


  • table
    • index-organized 1
  • thread safety 1
    • implementing 1
    • external data type 1
  • Timestamp class
    • external data type 1
    • external data type 1
  • transient objects 1 , 2
  • TRANSITIVE OTT parameter 1
  • transparent application failover 1
  • type inheritance 1 , 2 , 3


  • UNPREPARED status 1 , 2
    • external data type 1
  • USERID OTT parameter 1 , 2


  • values
    • in context of this document 1
    • in object applications 1
    • external data type 1
    • external data type 1
    • external data type 1