
Use the DROP RESTORE POINT statement to remove a normal restore point or a guaranteed restore point from the database.

  • You need not drop normal restore points. The database automatically drops the oldest restore points when necessary, as described in the semantics for restore_point. However, you can drop a normal restore point if you want to reuse the name.

  • Guaranteed restore points are not dropped automatically. Therefore, if you want to remove a guaranteed restore point from the database, then you must do so explicitly using this statement.

See Also:

CREATE RESTORE POINT, FLASHBACK DATABASE, and FLASHBACK TABLE for information on creating and using restore points


To drop a normal restore point, you must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, FLASHBACK ANY TABLE, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege. To drop a guaranteed restore point, you must have the SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege.

You can drop a restore point when connected to a multitenant container database (CDB) as follows:

  • To drop a normal CDB restore point, the current container must be the root and you must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY or FLASHBACK ANY TABLE system privilege, either granted commonly or granted locally in the root, or the SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege granted commonly.

  • To drop a guaranteed CDB restore point, the current container must be the root and you must have the SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege granted commonly.

  • To drop a normal PDB restore point, the current container must be the root and you must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, FLASHBACK ANY TABLE, SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege, granted commonly, or the current container must be the PDB in which you want to create the restore point and you must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY, FLASHBACK ANY TABLE, SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege, granted commonly or granted locally in that PDB.

  • To drop a guaranteed PDB restore point, the current container must be the root and you must have the SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege, granted commonly, or the current container must be the PDB in which you want to create the restore point and you must have the SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege, granted commonly or granted locally in that PDB.




Specify the name of the restore point you want to drop.


This clause enables you to drop a PDB restore point when you are connected to the root. For pdb_name, specify the name of the PDB that contains the restore point you want to drop.

If you are connected to the PDB from which you want to drop the restore point, then it is not necessary to specify this clause. However, if you specify this clause, then you must specify the name of the PDB to which you are connected.


Dropping a Restore Point: Example

The following example drops the good_data restore point, which was created in "Creating and Using a Restore Point: Example":